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China releases new standard for basic utilities

China has released a new standard for national basic public services to ensure equal access for all and improve the basic livelihoods of the people, a senior official said on April 21. the country’s economic planning body.

The standard, released by the National Development and Reform Commission and 20 other departments, covers 80 public services in nine categories, including education, employment, social security, housing and medical services.

According to Zhao Chenxin, secretary general of the commission, the standard, approved by the State Council, the Chinese government, specifies the purpose, content, standards and expenditure of public services and government departments responsible for overseeing its implementation.

China aims to dramatically improve the equalization of basic public services by 2025 and effectively ensure equitable access to basic public services by 2035, he told a conference press release organized by the Information Office of the Council of State Affairs.

Feng Yaping, an official with the Ministry of Civil Affairs, said the new standard includes protection mechanisms for orphans, HIV-positive children and children abandoned by guardians. A total of 60,000 orphans live in orphanages, with the government providing monthly assistance of 1,611 yuan ($ 248) on average, and 134,000 orphans live alone and could receive an average of 1,184 yuan per month from government assistance, said. he said, adding that de facto abandoned children have also been included in the protection mechanism and can receive similar monthly aid.

According to M; Feng, basic public services also include financial assistance for the elderly in financial difficulty, for those who cannot take care of themselves, and grants for those over 80. More than 30 million elderly people had received government aids and grants by the end of last year, he added.

Zhang Lixin, an official at the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, for his part noted that the ministry has offered employment and entrepreneurship counseling to more than 100 million people and has helped 1.67 million people. from people who had difficulty finding a job to finding one last year.

Chen Xiyuan, an education ministry official, pointed out that China has implemented a comprehensive government-run student financial aid system to ensure that no student drops out of school due to hardship. financial. It includes an exemption from tuition and textbooks for all students in compulsory education and grants for poor students from kindergarten to university, he said.

According to Chen, the financial aid system has helped to dramatically increase the enrollment rate at different levels of education, improved the standard of living of poor students, helped them lift them out of poverty through education, and helped them lift their lives. promoted educational equality and social justice.

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