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China ready to work with Mauritania to enhance friendly cooperation: Xi

Xinhuanet – China is ready to work with Mauritania to advance bilateral friendly cooperation, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Friday during a meeting with Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani.

Noting that China and Mauritania enjoy deep traditional friendship, Xi said that in recent years, relations between the two countries have maintained a healthy and stable development, with established mutual political trust, deep practical cooperation, and enhanced cultural and people-to-people exchanges. .

China, he said, strongly supports Mauritania in pursuing a development path appropriate to its national conditions, opposes any outside interference in Mauritania’s internal affairs, and appreciates Mauritania’s clear support of China on Taiwan-related issues, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and human rights.

Over the years, China has helped Mauritania build roads, bridges, hospitals and other major projects to benefit people’s well-being, Xi said, adding that China would continue to encourage Chinese companies to take an active part in the construction sectors. energy, fisheries, mining, infrastructure and other sectors in Mauritania, so as to bring benefits to the Mauritanian people.

While its commitment and intentions towards Arab and other developing countries remain unchanged, China is ready to work with Arab countries, including Mauritania, and make every effort to build an Arab-Chinese community for the new era and create a new future together. for the development of Sino-Arab relations, Xi said.

Xi noted that Mauritania is also an important witness, participant and collaborator in the China-Africa collective cooperation, and China is ready to work with the Mauritanian side to build a China-Africa community of shared future in China’s new era.

Stating that Mauritania and China enjoy a well-developed relationship and cooperation in various fields has achieved positive results, Ghazouani said that Mauritania has always firmly adhered to the one-China policy and that the one-China principle is an important red line that Mauritania side would continue to adhere firmly.

Mauritania will also continue to strongly support China’s position on human rights and oppose any interference in China’s internal affairs in the name of human rights, he added.

Ghazouani thanked China for its continued selfless assistance to Mauritania, saying that the many important structures and projects built by or with the help of China and the Chinese medical team have improved people’s livelihoods and stimulated economic development and local social.

Mauritania hopes to maintain high-level exchanges with China, learn from China’s successful governance experience, and continue to broaden and deepen cooperation in various fields, Ghazouani said, adding that China is a friend and partner of the whole Arab world and that the holding of the first summit between China and the Arab states comes at the right time and will certainly have a significant and positive impact on the Arab world and the rest of the world.

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