China Pioneer Pharma will be listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange on March 5th, 2021, 3:28 p.m., at a price of HKD 0.97. China Pioneer Pharma shares are allocated to the “Healthcare Distributors” segment.
Our team of analysts carried out an analysis of the market for China Pioneer Pharma on the basis of this assessment. A total of 7 factors lead to the individual assessments as “Buy”, “Hold” or “Sell”. In the last step, an overall assessment is determined from this.
1. Sentiment and buzz: China Pioneer Pharma can also be observed and evaluated over a longer period of time with regard to the number of verbal contributions (the discussion intensity) and the rate of change in mood. This leads to interesting conclusions about the long-term sentiment over the past few months. Specifically: The share has generated the usual activity on the Internet. This indicates a medium discussion intensity and requires a “hold” rating. The rate of change of mood shows little change, which corresponds to an assessment as a “hold” value. In the overall assessment, China Pioneer Pharma therefore has the rating: “Hold” on this point.
2. Investors: Investor sentiment is an important indicator of sentiment for assessing a share. Most recently, the share of China Pioneer Pharma was also the focus of discussions on social media. There were neither particularly positive nor negative fluctuations. In addition, the opinion market has not dealt with either positive or negative topics relating to China Pioneer Pharma in the past few days. This fact triggers a “hold” rating overall. In summary, the analysis of investor sentiment results in the overall rating of “hold”.
3. Industry comparison share price: China Pioneer Pharma achieved a performance of 23.71 percent in the past 12 months. Similar stocks from the “healthcare provider” industry rose by an average of 5.57 percent, which means an outperformance of +18.14 percent compared to the industry for China Pioneer Pharma. The “health care” sector had a median return of 10.32 percent last year. China Pioneer Pharma was 13.39 percent above the average. The overperformance in both areas leads to a “buy” rating in this category.
Should Investors Sell Right Now? Or is it worth joining China Pioneer Pharma?
How will China Pioneer Pharma develop further after the corona crisis? Is your money safe in this stock? You will find the answers to these questions and why you need to act now in the latest analysis of the China Pioneer Pharma share.