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China Media Group, Director of China Media Group Blessing New Year 2021

Friday 01 January 2021, 3:45 p.m.

On January 1, 2021, in the New Year 2021, Shen Haesong, director of Central China Radio and Television (China Media Group: CMG), made a greeting to the recipients of the new year. Around the world Through China Media Group and the Internet

Dear friends all of you

The dreamy year 2021 has arrived. This new year is the year of the ox according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Cows are animals that humans can be taught to tame before other animals. Has great contributions to agricultural civilization In the eyes of the chinese people A cow is a patient animal that is not afraid to get tired. And having a strong and powerful body. On this occasion, I send best wishes from Beijing. Wishing you all happiness, prosperity and strength.

The year of 2020 that just passed It was a very unusual year. Has brought immense difficulties to this world Situation of pneumonia caused by the new corona virus To hit human society In China, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, people all over the country put their best efforts and effort. Fight against great hardships Until creating important achievements in the prevention and control of the epidemic periodically China has emerged as the only major economic community achieving positive economic growth in the world.

The current situation of the COVID-19 epidemic Continues to spread in many countries around the world The feelings of people in the country who are suffering from the epidemic It’s like it happened to ourselves. I sincerely hope that All over the world will go through this very difficult situation very soon. Everyone is healthy and completely safe.

As a media worker It is our duty to publish news reports and facts. Since the first time the COVID-19 situation An epidemic erupted More than 2,000 of my colleagues rushed to the forefront of disease prevention and control. Connect the news reports in the patient’s room “Red District” to make a special documentary about
“Together Against COVID-19” and distributed in multiple languages, etc. jointly present the progress of combating COVID-19. In China

We made a special program “COVID-19 Frontline” invites doctors and nurses to share their experiences and contributions to China’s top disease prevention. We interviewed Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet. Which is a world-class medical journal And Peter Forster, the first author of the report on the new mutant coronavirus at the University of Cambridge. Truth and science to sweep away all kinds of rumors about the COVID-19 epidemic

In the past 2020, we have been impressed with the precious love, commitment and sincerity in the world, China’s Song Dynasty philosopher Zhangzai. Which is more than 900 years from the present, there is a famous saying that Poverty and sorrow can train human willpower. Help to achieve success Which affects people And it will affect the country as well In the midst of many difficulties and obstacles We are warmed with love and yet touched on the true meaning of the community that shared the future of humanity. Experience in the fight against this deadly epidemic Makes us understand deeply that When humans face epidemics and challenges Only have to hold hands to fight to win.

COVID-19 outbreak Even if it hindered meeting with each other But brings our hearts closer together During the past year I and my friends, journalists from many countries such as Russian National Radio and Television, Russian Newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta, BBC, CNN, AP, Reuters, AFP, NHK, Italian Radio and Television, European Broadcasting Union (EBU). And many ambassadors in China Has sent nearly 300 messages consecutively, greetings, hello, honoring responsibility Reinforce the consensus The China Media Group has hosted online forums with hundreds of journalism organizations from various European countries. Latin America region Discuss cooperation Hand in hand against the epidemic It has also moved mechanical cooperation with many major media. Co-produced and documentary films such as “Speaking Up about China – Generation 2021”, “China’s Greatest Treasures”, have empowered Chinese people during the disease. COVID-19 epidemic

As well as the epidemic situation Poverty is one of the most difficult problems for human society. Color president Jinping once said “To eradicate poverty completely It has been the dream of all human beings since ancient times. And it is the fundamental right of people of all countries in pursuit of happiness. ”The year 2020 just passed China has met its overall escape goal of poverty. Which we have put in effort for 8 years to get 100 million people out of poverty China has made wonders in humanity’s poverty alleviation history.

As the record holder of such a historic story, the year 2020 China Media Group has produced a documentary. “China’s eradication of poverty,” a joint filming with the United States. There is also a special program such as “Global Joint Action 2020 : Alleviation of Poverty”, which we want to record and convey the story of solving poverty in each village. Each rural family To set an example for people and countries that are dedicated to eradicating poverty.

While performing the duties of the media fully The China Media Group has been dedicated to developing into the mainstream media that awakens the new trend that is universal. Creating a comprehensive media network By using technology “5G + 4K / 8K + AI” broadcasts important scientific observations, such as the Chang’e-5 probe. Soil samples collected from the moon, Fentou Ge submarine that explored ten thousand meters underwater, etc. And during the 3rd China International Import Products Fair (CIIE), the Media Group held a live product introduction. Europe to the Chinese market through online channels

I have always believed that The truth is the life of the press. Trustworthy news Reliable information It reflects the knowledge, ability and responsibility of the media. But unfortunately There are some media outlets While reporting news about China Was biased and chose to present rumors It is not reported truthfully and is fair. These events Occurred in the news reporting on the control of the epidemic situation News about Hong Kong and Xinjiang districts, etc. China Media Group responded and revealed the truth in a timely manner. People have differing opinions. But there is only one truth In this new year All media workers Have a duty to keep the rumors as less as possible

In Europe there is a famous saying that “People who love righteousness have many friends.” Year 2021 Yehna Media Group will continue to act as a mainstream international media. Publish stories of truth, justice, and inherit the goodness of civilization to all over the world on a fair and reasonable standpoint.

The year 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, from 100 years ago there were only 13 members to date with more than 90 million members. The Communist Party of China has led the entire Chinese people to achieve peace and peace. Prosper What is the secret of the success of the Chinese Communist Party? What is the reason why 1.4 billion people of China love and support the Chinese Communist Party? These issues It will be an important part of the China Media Group in providing news coverage for you this new year. We will stand up for our duty. Report the story of both China and the world according to the objective. And presenting even more outstanding reports to your audience and dear listeners

The sunshine of the new year Good luck to all of you all New Year, the Year of the Ox. Wish you all once again.

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