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“China-Managed Financial Institutions Deepen Study and Implementation of Xi Jinping’s Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Theme Education”

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 29th Topic: Learning deeply, understanding, improving skills, concentrating on the mission – China-managed financial institutions carry out in-depth study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Since the educational work conference on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics was held, the centrally managed financial institutions have conscientiously studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and the deployment of the Party Central Committee, focused on goals and tasks, highlighted problem orientation, and paid attention to actual results. The results are transformed into a powerful driving force for entrepreneurship.

In the themed education, the central management financial institution puts “learning ideas” in the first place, strengthens the theoretical arm in an all-round way, and uses Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era to condense the heart and forge the soul. The Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd. systematically sorted out the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and important instructions on economics, finance, and rural revitalization, and listed 7 topics for in-depth study and discussion, so as to consolidate and firmly support the “two establishments” and resolutely achieve ” The ideological foundation of “two safeguards”. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited carried out thematic education reading classes and thematic study of the theoretical study center group, using the party’s innovative theory to guide the practice of serving the real economy, deepening financial reform, and preventing and controlling financial risks. Bank of China Limited holds study classes, focusing on nine topics, and adopts the forms of seminars and exchanges, expert guidance, on-site teaching, investigation and research, and individual self-study. Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. carried out collective learning by relying on the “Three Meetings and One Lesson”, theoretical study groups for young people, reading classes for leading cadres, etc., and set up themed education columns on the Group’s intranet, training platform, official WeChat, Learning Power, and other channels to innovate. Ways of learning.

The Agricultural Development Bank of China promotes themed education to be in-depth and practical, conducts research on key tasks such as serving national food security, and uses the party’s innovative theories to study new situations and solve new problems. China Construction Bank Corporation focused on developing inclusive finance, promoting green transformation and other key and difficult issues to carry out research, and continuously improved the ability and level of duty performance. China Development Bank highlights problem orientation and goal orientation, continuously deepens the understanding of the party’s innovation theory in the investigation and research, and continuously improves the quality and efficiency of serving the country’s strategic key areas and weak links. China Everbright Group Co., Ltd. focuses on theoretical study, investigation and research, promotion of development, inspection and rectification, etc., and guides the majority of party members and cadres to do practical things, seek practical measures, and seek practical results, so that the process of investigation and research becomes a process of transforming theoretical learning into practical application. , and become a process of improving duty performance.

China CITIC Group Co., Ltd. adheres to the integration of learning, thinking and application, and the unity of knowledge, letter and action, to find out deep-seated problems, formulate rectification plans, and form ideas and methods to solve problems and promote work. China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation adheres to high-efficiency start-up, high-standard planning, and high-quality development, focusing on the contradictory issues that affect and restrict the company’s performance of policy functions and high-quality development, and strives to pinpoint the crux of the problem through research. China Investment Co., Ltd. adheres to the idea of ​​”rectifying and reforming a list of problems to the end”, combing and forming a list of problems, a list of responsibilities, and a list of tasks, while learning, comparing, inspecting, and rectifying. The People’s Insurance Company of China adheres to the organic integration of theoretical study, investigation and research, promotion of development, inspection and rectification, and integrated promotion to ensure that thematic education achieves actual results.

China Life Insurance (Group) Company has carried out in-depth theoretical study and investigation and research, unswervingly follow the road of financial development with Chinese characteristics, and strive to achieve practical results in building the soul with learning, increasing wisdom with learning, correcting the style with learning, and promoting performance with learning . The Export-Import Bank of China has strengthened theoretical arming, carried out practical investigation and research, anchored high-quality development in thematic education, and strived to transform the achievements of thematic education into practices that open up new horizons for career development. China Taiping Insurance Group Co., Ltd. has strengthened investigation and research on 12 items including promoting high-quality development, strengthened its responsibility and work ability to serve the national strategy and the real economy, and effectively transformed Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics into firm ideals, A powerful force that tempers party spirit and guides practice and promotes work.

责编:宫辞 ]

2023-04-30 02:16:00
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