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China Makes Sri Mulyani’s Office Worried, What’s Up?

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia The Ministry of Finance’s Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF Kemenkeu) revealed that the easing of activities in China has actually raised its own concerns.

BKF Associate Policy Analyst of the Ministry of Finance Rahadian Zulfadin revealed, after China opened international borders on Sunday (8/1/2023) with a number of easing it actually raised concerns.

The reason, Rahadian said after China ended its zero Covid-19 policy, cases of corona virus transmission actually jumped very high including deaths.

“We are still waiting in the next 2-4 weeks how the handling of the pandemic will be like with this increase in cases in China,” Rahadian explained in a webinar today, Wednesday (25/1/2023).

“If it turns out that the health system is unable to accommodate the very large increase in the number of cases, it will have a negative impact on economic activity in China,” Rahadian said again.

BKF’s concern about the transmission of Covid-19 in China is a bad experience for the world. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many economies have collapsed.

Many business actors have suffered losses, people have lost their income, and the Covid-19 pandemic has even claimed millions of lives worldwide.

“The negative impact of the pandemic cannot be abandoned. Scaring effects are still occurring in households, companies and the economy,” he said.

“The scaring effect (from the Covid-19 pandemic) left behind from the pandemic. Then the war between Russia and Ukraine, the conflict in the South China Sea in Taiwan still has negative impacts, one of which is supply chain disruption,” Rahadian said again.

As is known, China officially opened international borders on Sunday (8/1/2023) by providing a number of easing. Among them is the abolition of quarantine for travelers, as well as allowing Chinese citizens to travel abroad.

Covid-19 cases in China are expected to exceed 36,000 deaths in a day when millions of citizens are on holiday celebrating the Chinese New Year, which starts from January 22 to February 5 2023. This estimate is the result of a prediction released by the research institute Airfinity earlier this week.

Chinese President Xi Jinping himself admitted that he was concerned about the spike in Covid-19 cases in his country during the Chinese New Year celebrations

China’s state news agency, Xinhua, reported that Jinping expressed these concerns when he telephoned a number of Bamboo Curtain country officials.

“Jinping said it is worried about suburban areas and suburban residents after the country adjusted Covid-19 regulations,” Xinhua news agency quoted AFP on Wednesday (25/1/2023).

Xi’s concern is not without reason, because last week the Chinese National Health Commission (NHC) recorded 59,938 deaths related to Covid-19, from 8 December 2022 to 12 January 2023.

The deaths are expected to spike as China celebrates the Lunar New Year, when many people return home to be with relatives.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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