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China maintains the downward trend with 10 new cases of coronavirus

Health workers register people during a government-organized vaccination for foreigners against Covid-19 at a vaccination center in Beijing, China. EFE / EPA / ROMAN PILIPEY

Beijing, Mar 24 (EFE) .- The National Health Commission of China announced today the detection of 10 new cases of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the Asian country this Tuesday, which represents a prolongation of the downward trend in that statistic.
All the new positives announced today were diagnosed in overseas travelers in the Shanghai metropolitan area (east, 3), and in the provinces of Tianjin (northeast, 2), Guangzhou (southeast, 2), Inner Mongolia (north, 1), Sichuán (center, 1) and Gansu (center-north, 1).
This Monday, China registered 9 cases, down from 7 on Sunday and 12 the day before.
In addition, the health authorities also reported today the detection of 8 new asymptomatic infections (all from abroad), although Beijing does not include them as confirmed cases unless they manifest symptoms.
The total of this type of infection under observation is 236, all “imported”.
Likewise, the National Health Commission detailed that, until last local midnight (16:00 GMT on Tuesday), 10 patients were discharged after successfully overcoming covid-19.
Thus, the total number of active infected in mainland China stood at 158.
The institution pointed out that, since the beginning of the pandemic, 90,125 people have been infected in the country, among whom 85,331 have managed to heal and 4,636 have died.
To date, 985,973 close contacts with infected people have been followed up, of which 3,467 are still under observation.

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