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“China is trying to make fun of the US by using its engagement policy” Interview with Wemaochun, Trump administration

Mike Pompeo is a researcher at Hudson Institute of Hudson, former US Secretary of State’s public policy advisor. Photo from Washington Post-From immediately after the inauguration of the US administration, Joe Biden, the war between the United States and China was uncommon. President Biden pressured China from his first call with Chinese President Xi Jinping to issues that China responded sensitively to Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Although the method is different, the basic direction of the policy toward China is as announced by the Donald Trump administration to continue the hard line.

Yu Mao Chun (余茂春, US name Miles above) is a Chinese expert who is evaluated as a key designer of the Trump administration’s policy toward China. He served as chief advisor for Chinese policy to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and is evaluated as the person behind the command of the basic framework, detailed strategies, and tactics of hardline policy toward China. His knowledge and analysis of China, which was dubbed “national treasure” and “Chinese encyclopedia” by high-ranking officials in the State Department, has been exerting extraordinary influence in Washington even after the Biden administration took office. A former professor at the US Naval Academy, he recently moved to work as a researcher at the Washington think tank Hudson Institute.

● “China and the United States took advantage of the engagement policy”

In a telephone interview with Bonbo on the 12th (local time), the above researcher warned, “It is a good thing for the United States to resume top-notch communication with China, but it should not go back to the old way of inclusion.” He also pointed out, “The Biden administration has expressed its intention to cooperate with China on issues such as climate change, but there are many more issues we need to cooperate with China besides climate change.” Trade imbalances, the seizure of intellectual property rights, threats to neighboring countries in the region, and failure to comply with sanctions against North Korea are areas that China should seriously engage and cooperate with. Researcher Yu said, “When Chinese leaders talk with the United States, let’s talk about our common interests,” and counter-attack against fundamental issues as “interference in internal affairs” and block discussions. The pattern has been shown continuously,” he analyzed. “We were so obsessed with’inclusion for inclusion’ in our relationship with China from some time,” he said. “The Trump administration saw that China was trying to use or play with the United States in the name of an inclusion policy and stopped it.” did. It is said that the subsequent approach to China was conducted under the stance of’distrust but verify’. The researcher above is known to have been deeply involved in the preparation of a speech at the’President’s Library of Richard Nixon’ in July of last year by Secretary Pompeo. The speech, delivered at the Nixon Library in Yobarinda, Calif., is a new controversy that defines China as a hostile rival and defines China as a “failure” of the US’ continued policy of engagement with China since the Nixon administration officially established diplomatic relations with China in 1979. It is evaluated as a declaration of Chinese policy. He said, “The threat from China is not only the US, East Asia, and the Indo-Pacific, but a global challenge that the world faces together.” “China is dominant in all directions in the global communication network, cyberspace, ocean, and space sectors. It shows a clear ambition to exercise.” In the process of pursuing this, they do not respect the system of the international community and continue to show’predator behavior’.

●“Un-elected Communist Party of China does not represent all Chinese”

Regarding the Trump administration’s public sanctions and other hard-line measures right before retirement, he said, “It’s just finished what we promised to do. If we stopped such measures to appease China, the situation is much more It would have gotten worse.” “I cannot expect that he will stop the attack just because he treats the attackers nicely. In the past 50 years, countless conversations and dinners have occurred between the CCP and our leaders, but little has changed.” He repeatedly emphasized that the United States treats the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people separately, saying, “The Marxist and Leninist political elite, not the elected powers, do not represent the entire Chinese people.”

Regarding the analysis that the United States has fallen into the’Thucydides trap’ in relations with China, he refuted, “The current conflict between the United States and China is not a matter of the decline of the US empire and the rise of another empire of China.” “The United States is still strong and we are still a living democracy,” which is why he denies it.

He disagreed with some of the arguments that the US public strategy should be made in the long-term direction of replacing President Xi’s regime, saying, “Replacing Xi Jinping power does not solve the problem.” “The problem in China is not the individual President Xi, but the Chinese Communist Party system that creates such people,” he said. “No matter what other Chinese leaders take power,” he said.

China is publicly accusing him of being a’barrel’ and’traitor’ toward researcher Wei who is from China and leads the way in’beating China’. He was also convicted of having his name removed from a monument or genealogy built at his alma mater in Chongqing, China. When he talked about this, he confessed that “not only me, but also my family were very seriously threatened by emails and letters.”

●“You must not continue to be dragged by Chinese influence”

Regarding South Korea’s popular strategy, he advised, “It would be good to think about what the common goals and core principles are pursued by Korea and pay attention to the big picture that moves with the international community.” In the section that mentions solidarity with the international community, he especially emphasized the necessity of cooperation between the three countries of the ROK, the United States and Japan, and said, “We must do anything to prevent this relationship from deteriorating.” Regarding concerns about China’s retaliation against Korea, he said, “It’s true that China has a lot of influence in Korea, but that’s not just Korea’s problem.” “The US has also relied on China’s strategic supply chain, but it’s no longer dragged around. He emphasized that he took decisive measures because he thought that he should not.

When asked about cooperation with China for North Korea’s denuclearization, he pointed out that “China can play a role in the denuclearization of North Korea, but the question is whether China is willing to do so.” “China has only produced internationally plausible scenes in the past six-party talks, but has never played an active role in preventing North Korea from possessing nuclear weapons,” he answered that the bilateral negotiations between North Korea and the US are more efficient than a multilateral approach. .

Washington = Correspondent Lee Jung-eun [email protected]Go to reporter page>

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