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China International Import Expo: Voices of International Cooperation and Exchange

  “Four-leaf clover” plays the strongest voice for international exchanges and cooperation

  ——Foreign guests praised the 6th CIIE

◎Our reporter Li Linxu

If China is good, the world will be better; China’s new development will bring new opportunities to the world. This is the loudest voice inside and outside “Clover”.

Every year, the China International Import Expo and the National Comprehensive Exhibition are must-visit points to experience exotic customs. This year, a total of 69 countries and three international organizations participated in the national comprehensive exhibition, including 5 guest countries.

“Serbia is very proud to participate in the CIIE as the guest country for the first time.” Danijel Nikolic, deputy secretary-general of the General Secretariat of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, told the Science and Technology Daily reporter that the CIIE is a high-level example of China’s opening up to the outside world. With the help of this platform, Serbia has reached many important cooperations. With the signing of the China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement, the scope for cooperation between China and Serbia will be broader in the future.

Honduras is also one of the guest countries this year, and its pavilion is adjacent to the China Pavilion. “Thanks to China, we feel at home at the CIIE.” Honduras Minister of Tourism Yadira Gomez said that she was deeply impressed by the various achievements displayed by the Chinese National Pavilion. The CIIE is an important platform for people-to-people exchanges. , she is very happy to let more people know about Honduras through this platform.

“Next year we plan to expand the area of ​​the Iranian National Pavilion by at least four times.” Hussein Ghaheri, chairman of the Iran-China Trade Promotion Center, told the Science and Technology Daily reporter that the CIIE is very important to Iran and is a showcase for exhibitors from all over the world. Opportunities for Iran’s superior technologies and specialty products.

“For Japanese companies, the CIIE is a very good platform for display, exchange and seeking cooperation opportunities.” Asako Ueno, Minister of Economic Affairs of the Japanese Embassy in China, said in an interview with a reporter from Science and Technology Daily that this CIIE will There are 350 Japanese companies participating in the exhibition, and we hope that more Japanese companies will have the opportunity to participate next year.

“We hope that the CIIE will reach a higher level every year.” You Deliang, chief representative of the Polish Investment and Trade Bureau’s office in China, said that since the first CIIE, more than 170 Polish companies have participated in the CIIE. Covering industries such as food, machinery and technology, they look forward to further deepening the cooperative relationship between Polish and Chinese enterprises through a large platform like the CIIE.

Every year at the CIIE, companies are the most active protagonists. This year, both the scale of corporate participation and the number of Fortune 500 and industry leading companies have reached new highs. Mutual benefit and win-win results and sharing of opportunities in China’s large market are the common aspiration of exhibitors.

“No company is willing to give up opportunities in the Chinese market.” Peng Zhenke, president of Pfizer China, said that as one of the first foreign companies to enter the Chinese market, Pfizer has witnessed China’s opening door opening wider and wider, and they will remain unswervingly in the future. Rooted in the Chinese market.

“Without the vigorous development of China’s industry over the past few decades, Rio Tinto would not be where it is today.” Rio Tinto Group CEO Shi Daocheng believes that China has become an important driving force for global economic growth, and participating in the CIIE is of great significance to Rio Tinto. It is a natural choice because here we can gain insight into the future needs of our customers and it is a platform to gain valuable inspiration.

“The CIIE is very unique. It is an extensive platform for enterprise communication, helping to connect domestic and foreign markets and share factor resources.” Foster, president and CEO of Zeiss Greater China, told a reporter from Science and Technology Daily that the CIIE The expo not only brings more development opportunities to multinational companies including Zeiss, but also injects confidence into the world economy.

“The CIIE is like a window.” Hao Jinyu, President of SGS China, said that the CIIE allows companies to see where industry trends are and is an important reference for companies to make investment decisions.

Kärcher China Chief Financial Officer Ke Ruilin believes that the CIIE is not only a platform for the launch of Kärcher’s new products and new technologies, but also an excellent platform for it to link upstream and downstream resources and understand consumer preferences in the Chinese market. China’s high-quality development will Bringing more development opportunities to Kach.

“I will 100% come back next year. Where our customers are, we will be there.” Sanchez, chief representative of the Beijing office of the American Grains Association, said that they have signed a cooperation memorandum with Chinese partners this time. China is the most important market for U.S. agricultural exports, and U.S. farmers and exporters are eager to strengthen agricultural trade cooperation between the two sides.

Shi Nailao, senior trade policy expert at the California Almond Association, is a member of the USDA delegation participating in the exhibition. He told the Science and Technology Daily reporter that this was their first time to set up a booth at the CIIE. The almond trade between China and the United States has a history of more than 30 years. It is currently the third largest market for American almond exports and has huge potential. The CIIE is expected to bring cooperation between the two parties to a new level.

Buy globally, sell globally, connect the world, and benefit the world. Relying on China’s huge market advantage, the CIIE is getting better and better, with increasingly obvious spillover effects, and is constantly injecting impetus into world economic growth.

2023-11-12 19:01:31
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