Home » today » World » China in the background of the G-7 meeting in Japan – 2024-09-30 05:47:34

China in the background of the G-7 meeting in Japan – 2024-09-30 05:47:34

/ world today news/ China has not only taken a leading position in geopolitics and launched strategies for the protection of international law and non-interference in the internal affairs of any country. Not only does it speak through the words of Xi Jinping about “changes that have not happened in the last 100 years”. But he already finds it necessary to react with a sharp tone to provocative statements that affect the interests of the Celestial Empire. Something that is different from the tradition of standing “at arm’s length” in complex and not particularly detailed situations. Beijing now reacted immediately to China’s mention of Taiwan, the East and South China Seas, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, nuclear weapons and “economic pressure” that were discussed at the G7 meeting in Hiroshima, Japan.

The leaders of the countries in this format shared that the words of China’s leadership about “promoting peace, stability and prosperity in the world” are not proven in action and in fact Xi Jinping’s country “impedes international peace, harms regional stability and hinders the development of other countries”. According to China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Hua Chunying, “the G7 uses China-related issues to vilify, attack, and interfere in China’s internal affairs.” China expressed its condemnation of this attitude in writing and sent a protest to Japan, the host of the G7 summit, and other interested parties. It follows an official statement that China will not accept the “so-called rules” established by a small number of countries “trying to form an exclusionary bloc”. Hua stated that “gone are the days when a handful of Western countries manipulated world affairs and deliberately interfered in the internal affairs of other countries.” Such is the new model of Chinese diplomacy, which is apparently already underway. Challenged by the old US and allied narratives on display. It is reminded of the Chinese position that “Beijing is a supporter of the UN-centered international system and supports international law.” A call was made for the G-7 countries “to stop discussing and oppressing other countries by creating inter-bloc confrontation”. It thus served the entrenched interests of a small number of countries that sought to divide the world based on ideologies and values ​​that would ensure “America First.” Categorical and sharp, straight to the point.

The G7 decided that China was trying to “unilaterally change the status quo of Taiwan” and opposed it. Hua reminded that “Taiwan is a part of China and the Taiwan problem should be solved by the Chinese.” In addition, it emphasized that “no one should underestimate the determination and capabilities of the Chinese people to protect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” The same applies to the issues with Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet, which are entirely “China’s internal affairs”. No outsider will be allowed to interfere under the pretext of human rights.

The G7 countries should stop blaming China and look at their own history and human rights record. This despite the fact that the members of the G-7 have turned to China with a request to force Putin to stop the war in Ukraine. They also invited Zelensky to Hiroshima, for more convincing. But there are rumblings behind the scenes that he may have been urged to take steps to negotiate with Moscow, that it is time for Biden to act as a peacemaker. Elections are coming up, there is a financial and economic crisis across the ocean, and it is not at all pleasant for Beijing to spread its calls for peaceful settlement of conflicts between countries around the world. And for this to be positively evaluated by the countries of the third world, for example.

Regarding the accusation that China “uses its economy as a means of pressure”, the answer is – “with its large-scale unilateral sanctions and actions to cut economic ties and disrupt industry and supply chains, the US is the largest despotic power that politicizes and arms economic and trade relations”. And China’s nuclear strategy is only defensive, and its level will remain as China decides. Undoubtedly, Beijing’s self-confidence and strength are not only not hidden. Interests are firmly and uncompromisingly defended. There is no place for threats and pressure.

Around the same time in Xi’an, Xi Jinping addressed the leaders of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan with the launched vision of “building a community sharing a common future”. Xi stressed that this China/Central Asia summit will usher in a new relationship in this direction. These are countries that were also at the May 9 parade in Moscow. In fact, it is an understatement to say that the world is undergoing rapid transformation. The course of history changes in an unprecedented way. A Xi emphasizes that “Central Asia, at the center of Eurasia, is at the center of these changes. It is not insignificant that the meeting is in Xi’an, where the historic Silk Road began centuries ago.

Xi says China is ready to match its development strategy with the 5 Central Asian countries where “ethnic conflicts, religious strife and cultural divisions are not the main agenda”. No one had the right to sow discord and conflict in these countries. To seek political benefits from it. China is ready to support Central Asian countries to improve their law enforcement, security and defense capabilities. They will work together against cyber threats. Together they will be against terrorism. Xi is categorical that “we will firmly oppose the interference of foreign powers in the internal affairs of the countries of the region and the staging of color revolutions”.

The warning about attempted color revolutions is said in plain text. In this regard, Moscow is not alone. Security ties need to be strengthened. The projects of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative will also be developed. |Customs points will be modernized, Kazakhstan’s project for the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route will be supported, the capacity of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan and China-Tajikistan-Uzbekistan highways will be increased, a railway will be built. China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan line, etc. Promotion of the air transport market between the countries and the creation of a logistics network in the region is forthcoming. Impressive projects that cannot help but contradict the West’s aspirations for influence in Central Asia.

In a special declaration from Xi’an, China and the 5 Central Asian countries decided to deepen cooperation, will guarantee security in the region, including in Afghanistan. It should be especially noted that there is not a word about the war in Ukraine in the declaration. The agreement is also for regularly holding such summit meetings, and the next one will be in Kazakhstan in 2025. China not only in words but also in deed is carrying out its new Chinese-style modernization policy and implementing its new role strategy on the international stage through cooperation, peace and problem solving through negotiation and diplomacy. And the meeting in Xi’an is the first of its kind in China-Central Asia cooperation, and its spirit has nothing to do with the atmosphere in Hiroshima, where the G7 countries met and talked.

In practice, the red line of actions in Beijing’s external plan is “we categorically oppose the hegemonic actions of the USA”. Without interrupting the large-scale commercial and economic relations between the two countries. A difficult game, on the edge, but this is the only way to ensure the success of Beijing’s new role on the international stage. In compliance with the 4 principles of Xi Jinping – respect for the sovereignty of each country, compliance with the UN charter, peaceful methods while respecting the opinion of other countries. It is obvious that for their implementation, the widest points of contact with other countries will be sought. This is liked in the rest outside the so called. Western world, and it is greater in terms of human potential and economic contribution to world production.

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