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China immediately prohibits the trade in snakes, badgers and other animals

China has immediately banned the trade and consumption of a large number of animals in connection with the outbreak of the new corona virus.

Animals such as snakes, peacocks, crocodiles and badgers can no longer be sold throughout China. The ban applies to markets, supermarkets, restaurants and online sales.

Places where the animals are bred are also closed off and they may no longer be transported.

More than 2000 people have now been infected with the new corona virus, the death toll has risen to 56.

Wuhan Fish Market

The trace of the virus leads to a fish market in Wuhan where other animals were also sold illegally. But the Chinese Minister of Health says that it is not yet clear what caused the outbreak of the new corona virus. The knowledge of the virus is still limited and the dangers of possible mutations are still unclear, he warns. They do see that the speed at which the virus spreads is increasing, so that the number of infections will only increase.

Link with SARS

Poached animals are sold illegally in many places in China. The high demand for animals in Asia, in particular China, means that more and more species are threatened with extinction. In addition, the sale of the animals leads to health risks.

Often sellers have a license for the sale of fish and a number of unprotected animals, such as hares and wild boar. But they also sell animals that have protected status. The 2003 SARS epidemic has also been linked to the consumption of illegal animals in the southern city of Guangzhou.

Only since 2014 is it prohibited in China to eat protected animal species. There is a maximum prison sentence of three years. Permits have been granted to a number of companies to breed the animals.

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