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China Helping Saudi Arabia Missile Production Very Worried


King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud of Saudi Arabia (left) with Chinese President Xi Jinping. China has helped Saudi Arabia produce its own ballistic missiles. Photo/REUTERS

WASHINGTONUnited States (US) Senator, Ed Markey, said the move China help Saudi Arabia producing its own ballistic missiles is very worrying. According to him, it could trigger a new arms race in the Middle East region.

before, CNN reported on Thursday that US intelligence officials believed Riyadh, thanks to help from Beijing, was working to manufacture its own ballistic missiles, which in the past had only imported them from abroad.

Also read: Satellite Image Shows Saudi Arabia Producing Ballistic Missiles With Chinese Assistance

Several officials at various agencies, including the White House National Security Council, have reportedly been notified of the significant transfer of ballistic missile technology from China to Saudi Arabia.

Markey, a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and its subcommittee on the Middle East, responded by clarifying his concerns.

“Reports that China is assisting Saudi Arabia’s ballistic missile program are alarming, but not surprising,” Markey wrote on Twitter, urging his colleagues to act.

“Congress should pass the WMD Act [Weapons of Mass Destruction] My Saudis to prevent an illegal Saudi arms program that could spark an arms race in the region,” Markey continued, as quoted by the Daily Mail Newsweek, Friday (12/24/2021).

The draft law was resubmitted by Markey in April along with Senators Jeff Merkley, Joaquin Castro, and Ted Lieu.

The law aims to restore oversight and take steps to block access to sensitive technology that could pave the way for Saudi Arabia to acquire nuclear weapons.

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