Home » today » World » China has let Europe know that separate sides of it are interesting to Moscow and Beijing – 2024-09-24 03:03:18

China has let Europe know that separate sides of it are interesting to Moscow and Beijing – 2024-09-24 03:03:18

/ world today news/ They are ready to talk with France and Germany, but not with the pan-European bureaucracy.

The Chinese edition of the Global Times, which expresses the foreign policy position of the Chinese government, commented very brightly on the results of the visit of the special representative of the Chinese government on Eurasian affairs, Li Hui, who is now dealing with the settlement of the Ukraine crisis.

On May 25, Li Hui met with representatives of the European Union in Brussels and arrived in Russia on May 26. Traditionally, citing certain experts, the Global Times reported: the Chinese side will make efforts to secure a rare window for negotiations. Despite the fact that the meeting with EU representatives showed – “Brussels spoke like a US mouthpiece: with biases and unreasonable demands”.

Dreams, dreams

Specifically, Li Hui met with Enrique Mora, EU Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, and Frédéric Bernard, Chief of Staff to European Council President Charles Michel.

According to the statement released by the EU after Li’s meeting with Mora, the European bloc called on China to push Russia towards “unconditional withdrawal of all forces and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said China has consistently adhered to an objective and impartial stance on the Ukraine crisis, actively advocating for peace talks. And “as the crisis in Europe develops, China calls on European countries to make efforts to promote a peaceful settlement acceptable to all parties involved.”

Earlier, GT recalls, the EU’s chief diplomat Josep Borrell said that China “can’t count on being a good friend” without China’s efforts to end the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. It means the termination they see as optimal for themselves in Europe, with the capitulation of Russia, the handing over of Crimea to Kiev, reparations, etc.

The Global Times called such EU demands on China unrealistic and baseless, “as China is neither a party to the conflict nor its instigator”. In addition China “has no right to force any country to make important decisions, as it is their own national business.”

Thus, at least, the idea was conveyed to the EU that China cannot join the “pro-Ukraine” diplomatic coalition.

Desires and possibilities

Experts, GT emphasizes, note that “the statements of EU officials are not so much the point of view of Europe as the words of the United States from the mouths of EU leaders”.

That is, China as a whole doubted the subjectivity of that negotiating party – let’s recall, these are the government and the EU president – with whom it was offered to hold a conversation. So who is China willing to talk to?

Unlike major European powers such as France and Germany, which have tried to maintain diplomatic autonomy, the EU has sought rapprochement with the United States, neglecting the region’s own interests under the tight control of the Biden administration.” expert Cui Heng of the Center for Russian Studies in Eastern Europe of China Normal University told GT.

Western skepticism about China’s peace proposals is a blatant rhetorical trap that shifts the blame to China. And at the same time avoiding own responsibility when the escalation of tension is a direct result of the provocative actions of the West, reports GT.

Recalling that China invited Europe to talk precisely “at a critical moment after the deadlock in the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, which provided a rare opportunity for negotiations between the two sides. That is, China hoped that the loss of Artemovsk would have a sobering effect on minds in Brussels.

But that hope turned out to be false. Observers note, writes GT, that the role of China “makes it possible to convey Europe’s message to the Russian side.” A Europe “must take this opportunity to communicate, not make things worse.”

Because next time Europe’s negotiating positions will be even worse.

What comes out in the end?

China does not see the EU as an independent entity. That’s why the maximum of those you can communicate with there is France and Germany.

It is possible that the situation in Ukraine will become even worse for supporters of the regime in Kiev. And Beijing recommends making the most of it “window of opportunity” while it still exists.

Translation: ES

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