Home » today » World » “China Deploys Nuclear Submarine on Continuous Strategic Duty; Military Experts Outline 4 Shortcomings of 094 Submarines and Expressregret over ‘Five Permanent Members at the Bottom'” – Newtalk News

“China Deploys Nuclear Submarine on Continuous Strategic Duty; Military Experts Outline 4 Shortcomings of 094 Submarines and Expressregret over ‘Five Permanent Members at the Bottom'” – Newtalk News

“Reuters” pointed out this week that the six 094-type strategic nuclear submarines in service with the Chinese Navy began all-weather strategic duty at the end of last year (2022). According to an analysis on the 7th of China’s Tencent military commentary “Dongfang Dianbing”, there is a huge gap between China’s nuclear submarines and Western countries, and many performance indicators are inferior to others.

The strategic nuclear submarines of the United States and the Soviet Union have been on duty around the clock since the Cold War, but according to a report from the Pentagon quoted by Reuters, the People’s Liberation Army of the People’s Republic of China will have the ability to be on duty around the clock in November 2022, which is later than other Western countries. a lot.

“Oriental Soldiers” pointed out that China’s 094 nuclear submarine has a very large gap in performance compared with the Ohio class of the United States, the Borei class of Russia, the Vanguard class of the United Kingdom and the Triumph class of France. The Soviet Union’s 30-year-old Delta 4-class strategic nuclear submarine is no match, and it can be described as “the last of the five permanent members.”

Russia’s Borei-class strategic nuclear submarine. Figure: Recapped from China’s Tencent military commentary “Oriental Soldier”

“Oriental Soldiers” points out the 4 shortcomings of the 094 strategic nuclear submarine, emphasizing that China must face up to the gap with the West:

One, the hull is too small and the bomb load is insufficient

The hull of the Type 094 submarine is elongated on the basis of the Type 093 attack nuclear submarine. Although it is very convenient, it also limits the tonnage of the submarine. The surface displacement of the Type 094 submarine is only 8,000-9,000 tons, which is far behind the Russian nuclear submarines of Western countries in terms of tonnage.

This also led to the fact that the 094 can only carry 12 Julang-2 submarine-launched intercontinental ballistic missiles, while the Ohio class can carry 24 intercontinental missiles, and the strategic nuclear submarines of Russia, Britain and France can also carry 16, and the bomb load is stronger than that of the 094. Not a lot.

Second, performance indicators such as speed/diving depth/quietness are almost at the bottom

The British “Jane’s Defense Weekly” believes that the maximum speed of 094 is only 20 knots, and the diving depth is only 240 meters. In contrast, the Delta 4 strategic nuclear submarines of the Soviet era had a speed of 24 knots and a submerged depth of 300 meters. “Oriental Soldier” believes that the indicators of 094 are only equivalent to the level of the United States and Russia (Soviet Union) in the 1980s.

As for the quietness, the Type 091 nuclear submarine was ridiculed by the United States as “it can be heard in Hawaii” because of its loud noise.

Third, the turtle back problem

The turtle back problem is also caused by the small size of the hull. The diameter of the pressure hull of the Ohio-class nuclear submarine is 12.8 meters. The next-generation Columbia-class of the United States has increased to 13.1 meters, and the Russian Borei-class is 13 meters. The strategy of Britain and France Although there is no data for nuclear submarines, it is speculated that they are also above 12 meters.

The Chinese Type 094 presumably has a pressure hull diameter of only 9-10 meters. Figure: Recapped from China’s Tencent military commentary “Oriental Soldier”

Due to the elongated hull of the Type 093 attack nuclear submarine used by China, the diameter of the pressure hull is estimated to be only 9-10 meters, which is a circle thinner than the strategic nuclear submarines of other countries, so a huge turtle has to be used to accommodate the length The Julang-2 intercontinental missile reaches 13.3 meters, but the huge turtle back has an adverse effect on the performance of the submarine itself (including speed, diving depth, and quietness).

The huge turtle back has a negative impact on the performance of China’s Type 094 strategic nuclear submarine (including speed, diving depth, and quietness). Figure: Recapped from China’s Tencent military commentary “Oriental Soldier”

Fourth, the performance of submarine-launched intercontinental missiles is inferior to others

The Type 094 nuclear submarine is currently equipped with Julang-2 submarine-launched intercontinental missiles. According to US speculation, the maximum range can reach 10,000km. There is a certain gap between the Ranier equipped on the Delta 4 level and the M-51 intercontinental missile equipped on the French Triumph level.

Moreover, JL-2 does not have the ability to carry multiple warheads, and can only carry one warhead, which further widens the gap with the United States, Russia and France.

The Type 094 nuclear submarine is equipped with the Julang-2 submarine-launched intercontinental missile, and according to US speculation, the maximum range can reach 10,000km. Figure: Recapped from China’s Tencent military commentary “Oriental Soldier”

The People’s Liberation Army of the Communist Party of China will not have the ability to be on duty around the clock until November 2022, which is a long way behind other Western countries.

There is a huge gap between China’s nuclear submarines and Western countries

The Type 094 strategic nuclear submarine of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Figure: Recapped from China’s Tencent military commentary “Oriental Soldier”

Russia’s Borei-class strategic nuclear submarine. Figure: Recapped from China’s Tencent military commentary “Oriental Soldier”

Chinese People’s Liberation Army nuclear submarine. Figure: Recapped from China’s Tencent military commentary “Oriental Soldier”

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