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China appears to tacitly condone the war in Ukraine

Beijing has blurred its position on the war

China is clearly behind Russia

More clearly than ever, China is behind Russia. Beijing wants to “deepen exchanges with Moscow at all levels”. Military aggressions in Ukraine are stubbornly kept secret. The goal is the end of US hegemony, which is responsible for the war.


They get along well: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (left) and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov

China has not so clearly supported war president Vladimir Putin (70) since he gave the order to invade Ukraine in February. Beijing continues to call itself neutral and apparently has no intention of providing military support to Russia in the war against Ukraine. But China also refrains from using a single word to condemn the Russians for the invasion and war atrocities in the former Soviet republic. On the contrary, China appears to tacitly approve the war instigated by Russia. To put an end to US hegemony.

On Thursday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (69) unequivocally made it clear on which side China’s sympathies lie. Speaking on behalf of the Chinese government, Wang accused the US and NATO of cornering Russia with a proposed expansion of the transatlantic military alliance. According to Wang, China will deepen its relations with Russia, despite, or perhaps because of, Western criticism of the war.

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