Talent, enthusiasm, strength, commitment and discipline were the seasonings that gave life to the second version of the 2023 Sports Festival, an initiative organized by the Chillán Street Workout Association with the support of the Regional Government and the Chillán municipality.

The capital of Ñuble became the epicenter of emerging street sports, since the National Street Workout was held on the Regional Government esplanade and in the Plaza de Armas, with a massive presence of athletes from different parts of the country and an exhibition of about 12 sports disciplines, such as skateboarding, 3×3 basketball, parkour, kick boxing, kragmava and even an anime fair and colplay contests.

Diego Letelier, coordinator of the activity and leader of the Chillán Street Workout Group, highlighted the “high level of the athletes who came to the National to compete.”

The regional governor, Óscar Crisóstomo, stressed “we will continue to support emerging street sports that bring more people to play sports” and that will promote the option of Chillán hosting a World Tournament, as evaluated by the helmsman of the International Calisthenics Federation, Pablo Urruty, who was dazzled by Chillán’s organizational capacity and the enthusiastic participation of various athletes.