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Chili Farmers Must Know, Apparently Here’s How To Control Patek On Chili So It Doesn’t Continue To Spread

URBANBANDUNG – One of the obstacles during the rainy season and high humidity levels is the presence of pawpaws disease in chilies.

If anthracnose or patek disease in chili is not treated immediately, it will result in a very fast spread of this disease, especially supported by unfavorable weather conditions.

Before handling the presence of patek in chilies, we should observe the level of chili plants that are attacked by this patek disease.

After there are symptoms of around 5 to 10 percent who experience patek, we should do it immediately.

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So that the handling we do is not wrong, then we should have to know the cause of the occurrence of patek itself.

Symptoms of patek are characterized by the appearance of shiny and slightly watery spots. Usually it will be black. This black color is the structure of the fungus, namely micro skelerotia and aservulus.

The spread of this disease is very fast when it occurs during the rainy season. Patek disease transmission can be spread through wind gusts, rain splashes, including when spraying pesticides, agricultural tools, and humans.

The development of the fungus that causes patek is very easy to develop at an optimum temperature of 20 to 24 degrees Celsius.

Patek disease can attack both ripe and young chili peppers.

One of the treatments we can do is to keep the area around the plant clean so that the humidity level is not high.

Then if the severity of the attack is very severe, then we can do technical culture or crop rotation. So after the chilies are harvested, the chilies are replaced with new plants.

Technical culture is carried out by crop rotation using healthy seeds or by carrying out sanitation by cutting and destroying diseased fruit, namely by picking them and then burying them or burning them.

One alternative way that we can do is to use fungicide pesticides according to recommendations or the appropriate dosage.

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