berenice garner tells us whatbenefits will bring tofamilies in our area.berenice: the important thing isknow what those meanchanges in the legislaturechildren’s mental health.that’s why we came to thisinstitute with many questions.>> more beds in servicesintensive…but not enough forcurrent demand.>> what we see here in thismoment is that there is a list ofwait big. we’rereceiving calls, almost moreof 100 calls every day.berenice: they don’t even know thereal figure of the crisismental health.>> in the pandemic we knewthat one in five childrenhad disorder oflearning or mental healthin his life, but there is much more.berenice: the other important thing,especially as Latin mothers,to recognize that the problemsminds exist.and that our children couldhave them.How can we recognize thosesigns from our children about>> if we see a change in theeveryday life, in thefeeding, if they are eatingat least.if they are not sleeping, changesin humor, they look moreirritable or sad wings ifthey are isolatingberenice: physical changesThey are a sign that something ismal.>> headache, painstomach without a physical cause.berenice: what should we do,Parents should talk to theirKids, it’s the first step.also talk to the school,contact or also happens in theschool. if this continues, talkwith the pediatrician or otherprofessional in this area.berenice: the other big problemof mental health in ourstate is that there is notenough workers inarea, unless they speak Spanish.It is the responsibility of thefor this is the web page