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Children’s Hospital in Beijing: WHO Investigates Increase in Respiratory Infections and Pneumonia Among Children

CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL: Families wait for health care at a children’s hospital in Beijing this week. Photo: JADE GAO / AFP

The National Institute of Public Health is monitoring the outbreak – especially among children – in China, but assumes that it is partly due to the strict lockdown the country has had for a long time.


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WHO has sent an official inquiry to China about the increase in respiratory infections and pneumonia among children, as a result of Chinese hospitals being overwhelmed by sick children. The Chinese authorities believe that the increase is due to the opening of society and increased spread of disease. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health believes that part of the explanation may be several years of lockdown which has created an “immunity debt” in children. There are currently no indications of new infectious agents that could spread beyond China. Show more

The World Health Organization (WHO) has sent an official request to the Chinese authorities to get more information about the many cases of respiratory infections and pneumonia among children.

According to ProMed – which monitors disease outbreaks – Chinese hospitals are overwhelmed by sick children.

Chinese authorities have previously stated that they believe this is because the country has opened up and that more children are now exposed to respiratory infections. They indicate that there is a spread both with influenza, mycoplasma pneumonia, RS virus and covid-19.

This weekend, a lot of pneumonia was reported among children in northern China. The WHO has asked for access to the laboratory findings that have been made and is following the situation closely.

In a statement reproduced by Reuters on Thursday evening, the WHO reports that it has held talks with the Chinese authorities.

– Chinese authorities said that no unusual or new pathogen or unusual clinical presentations have been discovered, says the WHO.

Immunity debt

The Institute of Public Health in Norway is also aware of the situation. They believe that part of the explanation may be several years of closure.

– They have built up a so-called immunity debt, which means that there will be an increase in all types of respiratory infections. Then a lot of people can get sick at the same time. The children’s group is vulnerable and without immunity, says department director Are Berg in FHI’s department for infection control and vaccination.

It is not known whether the increase in pneumonia in children is linked to the general increase in patients with respiratory infections.

– We don’t know if this is the whole explanation, so there is reason to follow.

Covid wave

The corona pandemic started in China and resulted in Norwegian society shutting down for a long time. Berg therefore emphasizes this:

– As of now, there is no indication that there are new infectious agents that can spread beyond China, but we are monitoring this, he says.

In Norway, too, it is the season for respiratory infections and the corona wave is in full swing. Both deaths and hospital admissions are increasing. The expected flu season has not yet started, but the Institute of Public Health believes there may be a peak before Christmas.


Published: 23.11.23 at 20:03

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2023-11-23 19:03:44
#children #respiratory #infections #China

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