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Children’s and family theater meet at the Reina Sofía de Benavente

The Pez Luna Teatro di Palencia company arrives at the Reina Sofía theater in Benavente next Sunday, November 6, at 6:30 pm. This visit is part of the program of the Castilla y León Theater Network.

Benavente will enjoy the INVENTAR INVENTARIAR INVENTUREAR project with Gianni Rodari, which premiered in August 2021 at the Castilla y León Theater Fair and recently recommended by the State Network of Publicly Owned Theaters, Auditoriums and Festivals for its intelligent relationship with children and its originality.

The game is family oriented and is especially aimed at children over the age of five. The little ones develop attention and imagination in relation to the game, with the word and the elderly are involved in the accompaniment of oral games.

The work was born as a celebration of the centenary of the birth of the Italian writer, pedagogue and journalist Gianni Rodari (1921-1980). His contribution to pedagogy is summarized in the book fantastic grammar, where he combines his years of experience in the classroom by talking and playing to invent stories, being a basic book for teachers and lovers of literature. In the show, Professor Gramaticus responds to the Curious Student’s need to learn how to invent stories, answering his questions with inventive dynamics drawn from Rodari’s legacy.

The stories that the teacher and the student supposedly make up belong to their books stories by phone y book of errors some having been chosen for their particular sense of humor and their verbal richness and others for their contemporary character in relation to themes that are protagonists in the life of children, such as aging and having to make decisions, being different within a group or relationship with old age.

The piece is characterized by a strong motivating character towards the relationship between childhood and books, reading and writing, an objective sought by the company in previous projects.

In INVENTAR INVENTARIAR INVENTUREAR with Gianni Rodari languages ​​are play with words, chalk as an ephemeral element of creativity and the manipulation of the objects that inhabit the classroom / house where the work takes place, the relationship with everyday matter as an element of transformation on stage is a corporate identity sign. The use of a particular graphic document stands out, an interview conducted by students of an Italian school with the same author in which he reveals his relationship with reading in childhood and how he became a writer.

The company defines the show as a “proximity stage toy”, both for its necessary contact of proximity for the visibility of small objects as well as for the intimate relationship that develops in the joint creation or in the practice of teaching.

Interpreters of the piece are the actress Mercedes Herrero, awarded as best actress in Castilla y León by the Union of Actors in 2017 and the plastic creator Patxi Vallés, accompanied by the artist Miguel Mota. Pez Luna is made up of a team that tries to dialogue with 21st century children through play and the relationship with the usual objects with which they live day by day. Creativity is in everything that surrounds us if we give it a space to listen to it and play with it.

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