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Children who consume whole milk would lower their risk of obesity

Canadian researchers have found that children who consume whole milk have a 40% lower risk of being overweight or obese compared to those who drink semi-skimmed or skimmed milk.

Less fatty milk does not protect

This meta-analysis, conducted at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, took into account 28 studies carried out in seven countries of the world including a total of 20,897 children ages 1 to 18. All the studies were interested in the relation between the consumption of cow milk children and the risk of becoming obese or overweight.

18 of 28 studies suggest that children who drink whole milk are less likely to become obese or overweight than young people who drink less fat milk.

Although the scientists noted that ten studies out of 28 did not find a link between the consumption of whole milk and a lower risk of overweight or obesity, they also clarified that no study included in the meta-analysis ‘had shown that children who drank semi-skimmed milk were less likely to be obese and overweight.

Reverse recommendations

The majority of children in Canada and to United States consume cow’s milk daily and this contributes greatly to edible fats in many children“, said the author ofanalysis, Dr. Jonathon Maguire.

But the results are going against recommendations health organizations that encourage the consumption of semi-skim or skim milk for children from 2 years old to reduce the risk of obesity.

But he points out that in the meta-analysis, the children “who did not follow the recommendations for skim milk at the age of 2 were no thinner than those who consumed whole milk.

Professor Maguire explains that the next stage of research will require random clinical trials to establish the causes and effects of whole milk and the lowering of the risk of obesity.

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