to an area hospital.they are expected to far there is noarrests.many parents worried aboutthe spread of the coronavirusand the delta variant insist onremote learning.but the authorities have saidthat is not going to happen.there was an option that existedlong before the pandemic.sent instructors to theirhouses.mariela salgado explains forwhat is available andhow this program works.mariela: jereías concentratehe showed us how he works in hiscolor cube.seeing the agility of theirhands, it’s hard to believe thathave skill issuesmotor skills and receiving therapyoccupational in school.still there, his mother feelsdo with an immune systemebil logical.>> for a person who hasa disability in a childIt was very difficult to send him to aclass room with acondition.mariela: as it was beforethe pandemic, theeducation department,sick students with a systemimmune complex seánaccommodated and can receivethere will not be offered to theremote learning whenclasses start in beingif you want to opt for thischeck for your child, theeducation department saysyou have to go to this linkthat you find in theeducation department thereyou can see theaccommodation, can see a summary thatwhat to do.m students from kindergarten to sixthgrade or receive in several hoursweekly deopcón and the seventhto the twelfth, 10 hours to theweek, with a teachercertificate that is licensedTo teach.what it means to have a systemcompromised immune?>> anyone whohey, his defenses are down.are to the predisposed toinfectionsmariela: we are talking aboutchildren with cancer, problemsrespiratory, maybe onesevere diabetes affecting youyour kidneys. qé as they observeyour practice?>> or children who arereceiving chemotherapy for thechildren with asthma andare receiving cortisone inhigh doses.mariela: I will have one100,000 million ideastudents, about 300 withmedical conditions learn prepare because the returnclass is September 13th.for information, visit