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Children and adolescents can receive booster vaccinations

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Photo: AFP

A total of 3,510,380 boys and girls under 12 and 1,894,827 adolescents between 12 and 17 that 120 days have passed since the last dose They haven’t received their reinforcement yet. The health portfolio detailed it a single dose was applied to 82,011 children aged 6 months to two years a coverage of 4.5%.

In the range that goes from 3 to 11 years, 5,514,802 children received one dose, with a coverage of 81.8%while between 12 and 17 years, 3,944,265 doses were applied, 92.3% of coverage. While they received the complete initial scheme 24,289 boys and girls aged 6 to 2 months years, 4,464,078 children aged 3 to 11, coverage of 66.2% is between 12 and 17 years oldthey received the initial schemel 3,467,662 children, 81.2% of the total

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The first booster was received by 2.9% of the children of 3 or 4 yearsthe 13.7% of children aged 5 to 11 years and the 38.2% of children and adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17. Even the portfolio showed ite Only 1.21% of immunocompromised adolescents aged 12 to 17 received a second booster.

With 1,497,434 booster doses applied in the last 4 weeks (from 4 to 28 December), application rate increased by 228% compared to the previous 4 weeks. Finally, she warned him “It is very important that reinforcements continue to be applied to the whole population, giving priority to people aged 50 and over and those with at-risk conditions.”

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