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children among the most affected, how to cure it and how long it lasts; details » ILMETEO.it

Australian flu: children among the most affected, how to treat it and how long it lasts; the details

Australian flu is rampant among childrenThe Australian flu is rampant in Italy especially among children, as evidenced by the Influnet bulletin published and coordinated by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. The circulation of the virus exceeds the threshold of high intensity, similar to that which is reached at the moment of the peakgenerally between January and February, with an average of 16 cases per thousand assisted (13 in the previous week), increasing in all age groups, even if the pediatric age group is more affectedin particular children under the age of five in which the incidence reached 50.2 cases per thousand assisted (41.2 in the previous week).

How to deal with the flu? Vaccinate children against the flu, as reported by SkyTg24it is an effective and safe weapon, the experts explain, to protect the little ones against the flu viruses for which the greatest circulation is expected. “If you haven’t done it yetfold the President of the Italian Society of Pediatrics, Annamaria Staiano, don’t waste time: this is the right time to vaccinate your child, even if without chronic pathologies or frailties. Recall that vaccination it is particularly recommended for all children aged between 6 months and 6 yearsand for all subjects of all ages with chronic pathologies that increase the risk of complications during flu. Importantly, protecting the little ones the frail of all ages and the elderly in the family are also protected: in view of the Holidays this is another factor not to be overlooked. Christmas is almost there now, and it takes about 15 days to guarantee adequate protection generated by the vaccine ”.

In addition to vaccination, remember some simple rules that can help prevent the flu: avoid crowded places, wash your hands frequently, avoid contact with sick peopleif you cough or sneeze, cover your nose and mouth with the crook of your elbowventilate work and home environments by opening the windows. In crowded places, the masks, which we have learned to use with Covid, they remain a prevention device for other viruses as wellincluding the flu.

It usually manifests itself with fever, chills, headache, body achesloss of appetite and respiratory symptoms such as cough, sore throat, nasal congestion. They are observed in infants instead vomiting and diarrhea. However, it is important to consult your trusted pediatrician in the presence of symptoms to rule out other diseases that may begin with similar symptoms. The The incubation period of the virus is usually 1-5 days. The duration of the disease varies from child to child, but is usually 5-10 days with spontaneous resolution in most cases.

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