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Childhood Trauma Linked to Decline in Health in Old Age: New Study

The decline in health in old age is linked to childhood.. This is what a new study from the University of California reveals, which says that stressful experiences during childhood can have more far-reaching effects than previously thought, contributing to problems with daily tasks such as dressing or preparing meals in older age.

The study found:

Older adults in the United States who had a history of difficult or traumatic experiences during childhood were more likely to have physical and cognitive impairments. Those who were subjected to violence in childhood were 40% more likely to have motor impairment, and 80% more likely to have difficulty with daily activities. And those who came from unhappy families were 40 percent more likely to have mild cognitive impairment at the end. The study also included possible negative childhood experiences of financial insecurity, parental separation, severe illness, and experiencing or witnessing violence or abuse.

On the other hand, the results of the study supported the incorporation of trauma-informed principles into geriatric care. She emphasized the importance of reducing children’s stress and trauma in the first place.

In an interview with the programme the morning On Sky News Arabia, the founder of the Child Leaders Development Program and language and communication specialist, Suha Khamiseh, says:

• The importance of the first three years of a child’s life must be emphasized.

• Diseases that affect cognition in the elderly are related to trauma that occurred in the childhood years.

• The consensus of all sciences concerned with self-development is that the first 3 years of a child’s life complete personal and psychological growth.

The role of negative experiences and their transition from childhood to adulthood

• Emotion is a measure of ideas and beliefs that are engraved in the memory of consciousness and subconsciousness.

• A child’s emotional reaction to anything is a measure, and therefore any negative trauma may reflect on him when he grows up.

• Every child is exposed to trauma, whether in the family or outside context.

• The need to teach the child that everything that happens in his life is transient and does not affect his security, stability and entity.

• Equipping the child from an early age to absorb shocks through the lessons he learns from experience.

• Gradually dealing with children on self-protection methods and not preventing them from mixing for fear of negative experiences.

• Feelings are a measure of experience, not an experience in itself.

• Advocacy and encouragement for more creativity in our societies.

• A society that lacks creativity is a society that suffered in its infancy.

• The need to isolate and separate children from the traumas of the elderly and from negative experiences.

• The need to provide a safe environment for the child to test his ideas and beliefs that would help him in his future.

• Each generation has abilities that are in line with the time in which it was found.

2023-08-08 07:35:47

#Study #deterioration #health #age #linked #infancy

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