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Child Anemia in Indonesia: Risks, Symptoms, and Screening Recommendations

Child has anemia (illustration). About one in three children in Indonesia is susceptible to iron deficiency anemia.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA—About one in three children in Indonesia is susceptible to it anemia iron deficiency. Ironically, iron deficiency anemia often causes no symptoms, especially in children.

“Research has been conducted in the United States. Most (cases) of anemia, especially in children, do not cause symptoms,” said Scientific Affairs, Research and Evidence Lead Danone Indonesia, Dr. Tonny Sundjaya MSc, in a joint press conference with Danone Indonesia and Sarihusada in Jakarta , recently.

The lack of symptoms means that parents may not realize that their child may have iron deficiency anemia. This is certainly risky because iron deficiency anemia can have several adverse effects on the health and development of children.

In the short term, for example, iron deficiency anemia in children can cause stunted brain development. In fact, about 90 percent of the process of brain development occurs until the child is five years old. “Don’t miss (anemia in children),” continued Dr. Tony.

Since iron deficiency anemia is often asymptomatic, the only way to detect the condition early is through screening. Currently, continued Dr. Tonny, anemia screening tests can be done without using a needle or pricking a finger. “(Anemia) must be known from the start by screening, if found, it must be followed up,” added Dr. Tonny.

The same thing was also recommended by a clinical nutritionist and President of the Indonesian Nutrition Association (INA), Dr. Dr. Luciana B Sutanto MS SpGK(K). In children, screening for anemia should start when the child is two years old. “Even though there are no symptoms,” said Dr. Luciana.

Sometimes, continued Dr. Luciana, children with anemia actually show a number of symptoms such as being a little lethargic or weak. Not infrequently, symptoms that appear in the form of a decrease in grades at school.

“The score is not good, maybe the problem is not in intelligence (but because of anemia),” said Dr. Luciana.

2023-09-03 01:33:17
#Toddlers #Risk #Anemia #Detect #Republic #Online

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