ROMA – They generate public spending of over 13 billion euros and can weigh up to 0.84% of the GDP: this is the “economic account” of child abuse, without counting the impacts on the child’s health and his future. The data emerges from an analysis carried out by Center for Studies on Management and Work (Ce.S.Ma.L.) for theItalian Observatory of Kindness and Behaviororgan of Kindness Movement, chaired by Natalia Re and directed by Marcello Vitaliti. “L’World Health Organization? has long included this line of research among the fundamental tools for decisions related to national policies in favor of childhood and adolescence”, said Professor Antonio Votino, president of Ce.S.Ma.L.
The effects of mistreatment on society. “An abused child weighs significantly on the budgets of municipalities, on the budgets of health companies and mental health centers, so? as on the budgets of justice – explains Professor Votino – And this both today, for his protection and protection, and in the future, why? Is there a high probability of mistreatment? to develop in age? adult health pathologies, including serious ones (addiction, mental illnesses, disabilities, cardiovascular disorders, psychological disorders, etc.), deviance and crime, unemployment and loss of income, thus affecting the state budget and the loss of productivity? and GDP”.
The direct and indirect costs of child abuse. The analysis, available today online on Movement website, estimates both the direct and indirect costs of child maltreatment. The direct costs, which in total are worth almost 340 million euros, include hospitalization (49 million euros), mental health care (21 million euros), welfare (214 million euros), family foster care , police interventions and justice costs (53 million euros). The indirect costs, which amount to approximately 12 billion and 700 thousand euros, concern special education (209 million euros), adult health care (326 million euros) adult crime related to abuse (over 5 billion euros ), juvenile delinquency (152 million euros) and losses in social productivity (6 billion euros).
Mistreatment and kindness. The study is part of a line of research that the Italian Kindness Movement launched a few months ago and which focuses on analyzing the real effects of kindness on contemporary society, evaluating how a “kinder” ecosystem can influence the generation of wealth. “The concept of kindness, in fact, is much broader than what we are used to thinking about, it goes beyond empathy and education, and includes the basis of common living, respect for others, differences and laws of the State, it is the tool that helps us live and interact with others in a virtuous way” comments the president of the Movement, Natalia Re “Our aim is to support the institutions in defining their policies, with concrete data and tools” .
Kindness as an indicator of well-being. “Our idea – explains Re – is that if we intervened through kindness in a preventive manner, the costs that would instead have to be incurred to repair the damage of the phenomenon would be reduced in percentage terms”. And the president concludes: “As a Movement we believe in the effect of kindness also on public accounts and economic growth: “kinder” ecosystems are also more sustainable, knowing how to live with others is an indicator of the socio-economic well-being of a community” .
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– 2024-04-10 01:41:24