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Child abducted by her father: She gets her daughter back after six long years

In 2012, a father abducted his own daughter and took her to Egypt, her country of origin. The mother of the little one, devastated, could not find her child until 2019. She testified on German-speaking television.

Jacqueline Kummer went through hell to get her daughter Kadisha back. For six years, she moved heaven and earth to once again be at the side of her little one, abducted by her father. He took her to her country of origin, Egypt, in the fall of 2012.

Asked by the show Rundschau from the German-speaking SRF television, the Swiss woman says that she had separated from her husband shortly before the events. The day her life turned upside down, her ex-husband was supposed to take Kadisha home. However, he never showed up. When Jacqueline Kummer was finally able to reach him on his cell phone, his ex had already left Switzerland. “He laughed and told me that I was never going to see my daughter again and that she belonged to him.”

A grateful mother

The Swiss explains that she had to try to find her daughter on her own, because she did not receive help from the Swiss authorities. She notably went to Egypt, where she managed to obtain custody of Kadisha without knowing where she was.

In 2018, after many trips to Egypt, Jacqueline Kummer had already almost lost hope of seeing her little one again one day. However, a meeting with Federal Councilor Ignazio Cassis changed everything. Ticinese promised to handle the case and turned the case over to an experienced diplomat from the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs: Johannes Matyassy. He managed to organize an intervention in which both the Swiss and Egyptian authorities participated and which made it possible to locate the girl, now aged 9. Jacqueline Kummer was finally able to recover Kadisha on January 20, 2019 from a police station in Cairo.

The Swiss is very grateful for the help she finally received from the Swiss authorities: “It shows that it’s still possible when you want.”

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