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Child (3) tied to chair with duct tape, stepmother gets community service

The woman from Tilburg who tied her three-year-old stepdaughter to a chair with duct tape and left her naked in her own stool has been given community service. The judge in Breda convicted her on Tuesday for assault. The woman is sentenced to 60 hours of community service.

According to the judge, 26-year-old Shipra L. from Tilburg abused her stepdaughter more often. This happened between March 2019 and January 2021. She tied the girl to a chair while going to the bathroom herself.

L. said she did this because she did not trust her friend’s daughter with her own daughter. The woman had been taking care of her stepdaughter for some time when she became pregnant in 2019 from her boyfriend, the girl’s biological father.

According to the woman, her stepdaughter became very jealous and then things went wrong. Shipra L.’s attorney previously said her client filmed the tied girl to show how unruly the child was.

The stepmother also had the child sit naked on a stool in her own stool. She would have done that because the girl smeared her poo and pee on purpose. Meanwhile, the stepmother asked disparaging questions. “Why have you been so naughty? ‘Why are you acting like this?” She also filmed that.

The public prosecutor said earlier in court that he was shocked by the images and demanded a community service of 60 hours. The judge agrees with this conviction.

Child abused for a long time: naked in poop and taped to chair

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