The Southeast Aceh District Health Office (Dinkes) urges people in the area to be aware of chikungunya disease due to a viral infection transmitted from mosquitoes aedes albopictus.
“We must actively eradicate mosquito nests (PSN), because this virus can only be transmitted by mosquitoes,” said the Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Southeast Aceh Health Office Sukrimanto when contacted from Banda Aceh, Monday.
He explained, the symptoms of chikungunya were similar to those of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), such as experiencing fever, dizziness, and pain in the joints. This virus attacks and infects humans through mosquito bites aedes albopictus.
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In the last two weeks, he continued, his party recorded 30 residents in Kane Mende Village and Tanjung Sari Village in Leuser District, Southeast Aceh who were infected with chikhungunya.
The symptoms they experienced were joint pain, high fever and vomiting. The Leuser Health Center has also treated dozens of these patients, and they have been declared cured.
“Thank God, all 30 residents have recovered, and so far no new (chikungunya) cases have been found,” he said.
As a countermeasure, he added, his party had also carried out fumigation or fogging to residents’ homes, as well as places where there are many mosquito nests in the area where cases were found.
Apart from that, the Health Office also requested that people throughout Southeast Aceh be diligent in conducting PSN and draining water laying places, burying used goods, and closing water reservoirs (3M plus) as well as having a clean and healthy lifestyle.
“Because this virus can only be transmitted by mosquitoes aedes albopictus those who bite during the day, people are encouraged to do PSN and 3M plus,” he said.
Previously, according to Sukrimanto, a case of chikungunya was detected in Southeast Aceh about five years ago, and treatment for the disease had also been completed.
“Until now there have been no recorded deaths from this virus, on average they experience fever, joint pain, so it’s the same as dengue fever due to mosquito bites too, but a different virus,” he said.
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Editor : Febrianto Budi Anggoro
2023-08-28 12:49:29
#Southeast #Aceh #Health #Office #asks #residents #aware #chikungunya #disease #heres #explanation #ANTARA #News #Aceh