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Chicken eggs: harm, allergies

Endocrinologist Polyakov: Eggs can cause autoimmune diseases and chronic fatigue syndrome

Up to 50% of the population suffers from egg allergy, Anton Polyakov said
A photo: Denis Morgunov © URA.RU

Chicken eggs can cause atypical allergic reactions such as autoimmune diseases or chronic fatigue syndrome. They can also increase the risk of heart disease. A nutritionist, endocrinologist, psychologist Anton Polyakov talked about it in an interview with URA.RU.

“There is a fairly common food allergy. Someone has a protein, someone has a yolk, someone has a film between the egg and the shell. According to various estimates, 20 to 50% of the population may have an allergic reaction to eggs. It does not always manifest itself in the form of a rash or swelling of the tissues. This can be in the form of autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, disruption of the immune system, disruption of the emotional state and a host of other symptoms, “said Anton Polyakov.

The lecithin contained in eggs can not only benefit, but also harm. “This is a building material containing choline, a vitamin-like substance necessary for the functioning of the brain and liver. Furthermore, these are various phospholipids needed to build cell membranes. When the gut microbial balance is disturbed, some not-so-beneficial bacteria can metabolize lecithin into TMAO (trimethylamine oxide). This is a substance that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. In this case, it is best to avoid eggs. But it happens that quail and goose eggs are suitable for one person “, summed up the endocrinologist.

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Chicken eggs can cause atypical allergic reactions such as autoimmune diseases or chronic fatigue syndrome. They can also increase the risk of heart disease. A nutritionist, endocrinologist, psychologist Anton Polyakov talked about it in an interview with URA.RU. “There is a fairly common food allergy. Someone has a protein, someone has a yolk, someone has a film between the egg and the shell. According to various estimates, 20 to 50% of the population may have an allergic reaction to eggs. It does not always manifest itself in the form of a rash or swelling of the tissues. This can be in the form of autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, disruption of the immune system, disruption of the emotional state and a host of other symptoms, “said Anton Polyakov. The lecithin contained in eggs can not only benefit, but also harm. “This is a building material containing choline, a vitamin-like substance necessary for the functioning of the brain and liver. In addition, these are various phospholipids needed to build cell membranes. When the intestinal microbial balance is disturbed, some bacteria not so beneficial can metabolize lecithin into TMAO (trimethylamine oxide). This is a substance that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. In this case, it is better to avoid eggs. But it happens that quail and goose eggs are suitable for a person “, summed up the endocrinologist.

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