to start with support, h2o,lanterns.let us go with the ligia pomegranates.ligia: how are you carrying out, we have todispute this morning sorelaxed. 65 in Chicago,at dawn with 60 and I inform her that there isto taste simply because in the afternoonmatters will alter. What is thatwhat awaits us starting upResidence ? sunny durations but theLater the clouds will rise.8:00 in the early morning 72. midday83.elgin llegaá a 85, waukegan 85as maxims. Now we havestable disorders, butthe clouds are mounting. right afterfrom noon begins to get there atmethod, 2:00 in the afternoonI exclude isolated rain. NoWhen this method comes inour spot, Saturday isthe spectacle of air and h2o, thisthe rain will continue on andour Sunday doesn’t shinedistinct, with the possibility ofto rain. tonight 65, thepredict that you have it. these days85, Saturday 80, Saturday 77 both