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Chia’s opinion on the thirty-fourth episode

He’s right Nathaly Caldonazzo, in the last few days in the House of GF VIP 6 there was “lots of peace and quiet“. Too much peace and quiet, I would say. Like this taanta peace and tranquility that we were terribly discarding the seas, to put it in French. From the fake fuck of Alfonso Signorini to the Vipponi onwards too much apparent stillness, in Cinecittà. What better time, then, to launch the thrilling third season of Belliful, after the first on artistic chemistry and the second on telepathic tweets?

And the thing that breaks me most, in this now highly acclaimed fiction, is how all three of its protagonists accuse the other two of giving life to the worst theaters, And with disdain, too. As if they were not an integral part of it (and essential to the other two, above all). “Is this another of your theaters?“, “but that’s enough, but what is this little theater!“, “I invite you to get to know it beyond the theaters“. Pro-level dissociation from reality, here.

That Affonzo & Co. will mark us widely, on this false triangle as much as the curls of the BelBasciano, it’s safe. But I get the impression that the situation is playing WIDE game to anyone involved. To the rest of the House – which for 4 months has been half an episode focused on Belliful and, when it’s their turn, “quick we’re late!”- a little less, I guess.

It must be said that to stage this show created with six hands (but also eight, let’s not forget the good one Ciccio Mess! Urtis he hasn’t forgotten it, for example …) they really put their soul into it. They’ve won the loaf block by block, altruistic massage after altruistic massage, fake paparazzi after fake paparazzi, and they still hold up. In that House there are people who are not even mentioned in the episode, and then there are them who permanently occupy half of them. It is true that hard work always pays off.

Delia Duran however it is wonderful. WONDERFUL. Exalted like a cornering ultrà and endowed with interchangeable personalities that not even Joe Goldberg in You, is able to pass within two minutes from yelling in the face of Soleil Rises that “You are a layer, Alex told me what really happened under the covers! Why don’t you admit it?”To whisper to her, as soon as Affonzo cut off the live broadcast, “Love you are wonderful, wonderful“. If a few months ago they told me that there was someone more blatantly fake than Alex Belli I wouldn’t have believed it. And instead he thinks about his “wife“To be so perpetually not very credible that it is now irresistible to me.

Yesterday, at the time of announcing its 400th entry into the House (this time to stay, though), Gentlemen said it would become “a real competitor of our program“. “A REAL competitor“, Because so far it had been anyway, albeit in disguise. But it is quite objective that she has contributed to creating more dynamics from the outside than people than in that House he bivouacked for months. And honestly, seeing how loaded it was soften last night, I hope that was just the appetizer.

Why between all the hypothetical scenarios that can be opened with its entrance, what he sees it become bff from Soleil (that casually before the live had revealed that a troppia all in all he would not disdain her, if the woman were to his liking…) is certainly the most boring. But what do I care about troppia, but I want blood, crave boorish catfights, crave epic trash spikes! We have another two months of episodes to fill, here, we have to get busy. I already played the fake lesbian story last year (and it also ended in disgust), new ideas are urgently needed. Especially after the entrance of Luca Onestini that could have given us memorable moments, given the icy climate that reigns between him and his ex.

Ah obviously if when it comes to Belliful I always start from the assumption that everything is more bogus than the stern of the Cipriani it’s because – if I wanted to pretend to give them the benefit of the doubt – paradoxically it would be even more hallUCINANT. That – as far as to see artistic chemistry between your own husband and another can be painful – it is certainly not entering the House that the fracture between Delia e Alex it will be healed. Especially since distance does not seem to me their strong point since the days of Temptation Island Vip. “You have to win me back, you neglected me, I want to see the facts now“, And to see them instead of locking yourself in your home until you clear up you go to lock yourself in the Cinecittà one waiting”a beautiful tweet to read at home where you choose her instead of Soleil“?

And those other two are no different, huh. Soleil that “Delia he should care about what has been FEELINGLY between me and Alex, which goes beyond their marriage. Not about what happened under the covers, because absolutely no act of heavy sexual things happened!”(And to me alone the specification on the absence of ‘heavy things’ sounds like an implicit admission of light ones?). AND Alex following that “He’s right Soleil, Delia she has to worry about the mental complicity she and I have had for three months, which is love“.

They don’t reassure her, nooo. To deny that something happened between him and the other, they warmly invite her to worry about what happened outside. Again, assuming that everything is fake is the best option, because otherwise you would have to call the centodiGiotto immediately.

If we remove Delia at last night’s episode, however, not much remains. Surely the shiny eyes of Gianmaria Antinolfi at the sight of mom Esmeralda. Who invited him to experience love in a more relaxed way, without pursuing it as he did in the past with his study objectives. Words absolutely shareable, his, but the son I do not think I have received much, Here you are.

However, I must confess: given that his sudden falls in love are as reliable to me as the horoscope of Tinì Tired, and that from September to today he objectively made several slips (I still do not forget when in the garden he invoked the authors in the hope that they would send him “material“In the House, that he had no problem making a fuss in front of the cameras … Not to mention the edifying speeches he makes with Basciano, which is not clear whether they refer to the women or the pieces of meat exposed by the butcher, they are so heavy), I Giammi I just can’t love him. It’s mine guilty pleasure of this edition, be good and give it to me, come on.

Another one that I have officially adopted for some time is Jessica Selassié. Unjustly mistreated inside and out House, when it is one of the best people who live there. Too good, to have to deal with certain sharks that draw her as a desperate one in search of visibility and male attention, when they are the ones who always throw her in the middle to have the clips. And I swear to you that my heart tightens when I hear her dispense precious advice to those disadvantaged, going so far as to say hopefully that “Sophie it could be that person who makes you change your mind Alessandro in love“, When these two treat her like fish in the face.

Sophie Codegoni all annoyed by Jessica which according to her never misses an opportunity to seclude herself with Alessandro Basciano, when the clip showed us her all pretty who urged him because the right person “maybe you found it in Sophie“, And he replied”I don’t know if she is what I want or if it’s just a way to pass the time“. But the bitch is the princess, sure. Not to mention that “100% if I give her the way she fits, even in front of you. He’s really fucking ***!Which was from vomiting. Of course BelBasciano, I think that Alessandro is one of the worst competitors out there. A haughty and crude first woman, who feels unmotivated stoca ** o. And of one like the Selassié he wouldn’t even deserve a fingernail.

And now I’ll catch you off guard, but in the small group of Vipponi which I still tolerate, in which they stay permanently Nathaly e Lulu Selassié, a few weeks ago he also entered Manuel Bortuzzo. For months I struggled with him, both for the treatment he reserved for the princess and for that feel-good aura he had sewn on him that prevented him from taking the slightest position. But since this aura has shrugged it off, starting to give a damn about keeping the facade and saying what he thinks even when it costs him the loss of consensus in House, I finally started to like it again. Species when he takes it out on the untouchable Katia Ricciarelli, I really enjoy there.

Too bad he is close to abandoning the reality show, because that was exactly the Manuel that I would have liked to have seen from the start. Especially in a program where the host in order to save his protégés floods us with clips where their arrogance and arrogance is reduced to a pink comma between the words “you are three myths, really“.

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