Home » today » Entertainment » Chiara Ferragni denounced by Codacons: the Madonna version photo is an “offense”

Chiara Ferragni denounced by Codacons: the Madonna version photo is an “offense”

That of the Codacons with Ferragnez it seems like a difficult relationship. After the complaint that the association had made to the couple to raise funds for the construction of the Covid mimi hospital in Milan, a new chapter is now opening.

The Codacons denounced the queen influencer of Instagram, in the top 10 of the highest paid in the world, per blasphemy and for “offense to religious sentiment”, after the diffusion of an image in which the Ferragni appears depicted as a Madonna.

The Codacons accusation against Chiara Ferragni

The image, accompanying an interview for Vanity Fair, which depicts her in the role of a modern Madonna with child, painted by Giovanni Battista Salvi known as Sassoferrato, would exploit, according to Codacons, the figure of the Madonna and religion for commercial purposes, “Being known as Ferragni is a real money machine aimed at selling products, sponsoring commercial brands and inducing its followers to purchase this or that asset”.

Not everyone liked the photo at all, generating indignation and even bewilderment among some faithful. For this reason, Codacons has decided to present a complaint to the Public Prosecutor’s Office and to the Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini so that they can intervene on what it defines not as a provocation, “but a serious lack of respect for Christians, for the entire religious world and for art in general “.

The exploitation branded as “unworthy” of the figure of the Madonna who sparked the protests of a part of the Christian world could therefore carry out criminal offenses for the Codacons for blasphemy and offense to religious sentiment, which is why the complaint was also sent to Pope Francis to speak out against this “Squalid and useless provocation”.

The denunciation of the Codacons to the Ferragnez for raising funds for the San Raffaele

Harsh words against Ferragni, which follow the precedent a few months ago, at the beginning of the pandemic, when the Codacons had lashed out against the “Ferragnez” after the super vip couple, thanks to the power of social media, after a few days initial donation of 100 thousand euros had managed to raise the funds necessary for the construction of a additional intensive care unit at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan in which to treat Covid patients.

Why then did Codacons and Antitrust intervene? Because the donations were made on the GoFundMe crowdfunding platform where there should have been no hidden costs, which instead, according to the complaint, were indeed, connected to credit and debit card transactions.

The future, and the heritage, of Chiara Ferragni

In short, a particular moment for Ferragni, in which she has her eyes on her more than usual, commercially speaking, even after her announcement of list your company on the stock exchange.

She, one of the most celebrated top influencers in the world, today boasts an Instagram profile that has 21 million followers and with all her activities, she has a turnover of almost 40 million euros.

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