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Chiapas police officers pulled a dog with the patrol

Police elements that traveled in a patrol of the Municipal Police of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, were exhibited through a video on social networks when they pulled a dog tied to the defense of the vehicle, forcing it to run at high speed.

The case was videotaped by security cameras and when it was published on social networks it generated anger and condemnation among people. So far, the authorities have not ruled on the case.

The event occurred in one of the streets of the Patria Nueva neighborhood, in the northern area of ​​Tuxtla Gutiérrez. A taxi driver, observing how the uniformed officers pulled the dog with patrol number PCC-114, to force it to run, recorded them and was detained by the police.

Later, the roulette player was taken to the municipal jail known as La Popular, accused of administrative offenses. However, the relatives of the detainee denounced that he was beaten and threatened so as not to publicize the fact. Meanwhile, his vehicle was moved to the corral.

The complainants demanded that the police be prosecuted for both cases and the unit be returned to the taxi driver.

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