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Chiapas confirms the fifth case of coronavirus in Mexico, which qualifies as “highly asymptomatic”

The infected young woman was in northern Italy, where she presented symptoms. When I arrived in Mexico I was already in good health

The Government still does not consider declaring the emergency.

Sáshenka Gutiérrez / EFE

The State Government of Chiapas confirmed this Sunday the State Government of Chiapas confirmed this Sunday the fifth case of coronavirus in Mexican territory, and the first in the south of the country, after testing an 18-year-old girl who He was in Milan, in northern Italy.

“The case is extremely asymptomatic, does not represent a major problem in contagion, because their 14 contacts have also been identified, investigated, and all are asymptomatic, including the patient, who is at home, ”said José Manuel Cruz, Secretary of Health of Chiapas.

The official explained that the patient, a resident of the state capital, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, was Schoolgirl in Milan of the 20-year-old from Torreón, from the northern state of Coahuila, which this Saturday was confirmed as the fourth case of COVID-19 in the country.

The two other confirmed cases in Mexico City and Sinaloa, in the northwest of the country, are related to a work trip they also made to northern Italy.

Additionally, the Federal Ministry of Health reported on Saturday that it analyzes a carrier of the coronavirus, which tested positive for COVID-19, but has not developed the disease and is asymptomatic, so it is not considered within The official cases.

Even so, the man from the central State of Mexico, who was also on the work trip in Italy with the three sick men, will remain in quarantine until it is ruled out that it can spread the virus.

On the last case in Chiapas, Cruz said that the infected presented the symptoms in Italy, in an unidentified school where they have He detected multiple infections, but when he arrived in Mexico he had no symptoms.

“She is at home, enjoy good health, arrived in our country asymptomatic, ”said the state official.

The first confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Mexico were confirmed since Friday.

Even so, federal authorities insisted this Saturday, in a press conference at the National Palace, that there are no conditions to declare an emergency because all cases “are imported” from Italy and have presented mild symptoms.

“This is very unlikely, which is that a person in Mexico at this time is infected by COVID-19, by the virus that causes COVID-19 disease, and it is even more unlikely that, if he became ill, he had a serious illness, ”he said Hugo López-Gatell, Undersecretary of Health Prevention and Promotion, and the first in the south of the country, after testing an 18-year-old girl who was in Milan, in northern Italy.

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