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Chest Pain as an Early Sign of Coronary Heart Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Man holding pain while holding his chest (illustration). Chest feeling like pressure can be an early sign of coronary heart disease.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Coronary heart disease is a type heart disease the most common, with around 200 million people worldwide living with this condition. Also known as ischemic heart disease or coronary artery disease, this disease is caused by blockage of the main blood vessels that supply the heart with oxygen, blood, and nutrients.

In general, blockage occurs because there is a mixture of cholesterol plaque, fat, calcium and other substances that can narrow the arteries. Pharmacist at Chemist Click Online PharmacyAbbas Kanani, explained, reduced blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart can cause various symptoms.

Kanani then revealed some of the early signs of coronary heart disease, namely chest pain (angina), shortness of breath, pain throughout the body, feeling weak, and nausea. Angina usually occurs when the heart is working harder and needs more oxygen, such as during physical activity or emotional stress.

“Chest pain can feel like pressure, being crushed by something, the chest feels heavy, and can radiate to the neck, arms, shoulders, jaw or back,” said Kanani, as quoted from ExpressThursday (17/8/2023).

2023-08-17 04:11:30
#Early #Signs #Coronary #Heart #Disease #Republika #Online

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