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Chepo de la Torre opens the door to return to America now as DT

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

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Hate is constantly being talked about sports, and how you can not dress the T shirt rival of the team that once defended itself. Currently, it is more common to see players and strategists change of clubs despite the fact that they have previously been with the staunch enemy. At mexican soccer has been given, and now, in the prelude to the National Classic, Jose Manuel de la Torre already raised his hand to lead at some point to the Eagles.

In interview for This, the Chepo of the tower stated that, in case America seek him out, he would accept without hesitation, even though it was champion as a player and coach of Chivas.

Of course I would go to America. I am not closed, one because there is no place that tells you that you cannot do it; two, because the affection you can have for an institution is a lot, but one is professional, and as such I want me to do well wherever I am.

The strategist said that he knows how to separate sentimental of what professional, and therefore does not feel any impediment to be part of the Azulcremas in some hypothetical future.

Let us remember that the Chepo it was already inside the bowels of the America as a technical assistant, directing three matches in total, two in the semifinals of the Concacaf Champions League, and one in Liberators cup.

I was already in America, I participated in processes where they were champions, I am not denied anything, it would be a tremendous pride to lead the most important teams in Mexico, as I have already had, the race is like this, I do not see bad, why You cannot be in one team or another, it does not limit you, the one who limits is yourself.

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