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Chen Yixin first set up a special account for political contributions and small donations to establish a new style of election

Reporter Wang Chaoqun / Report from Taipei

Legislator Chen Yixin said that on the 14th, the Supervisory Yuan approved the special account for political donations he applied for. He said that when he was the chief assistant in the legislative consultation of the Political Contribution Law, he was very happy to make the legislation himself.

Legislator Chen Yixin set up a special account for political donations. He said that he was the chief assistant in the legislative negotiation of the Political Contributions Law, and he was very happy to use his own legislation. (File photo, provided by Chen Yixin’s office)

Chen Yixin emphasized that he will raise campaign funds through small donations from citizens, and establish a new election style of sunny politics for Tainan elections.

Chen Yixin announced at the end of March that he would return to his hometown to run for the Legislative Election of the Sixth Constituent District of Tainan City. In early April, he established a campaign office “Future Production Office” on Dongning Road, East District. He then applied to the Supervisory Yuan to set up a special account for political donations for potential legislators. On the 14th, the Overwatch Council issued a letter to approve the establishment to start accepting political donations from the outside world.

Chen Yixin’s special account for political donations is opened at the Rende Branch of the Bank of Taiwan (bank code: 004), and the account name is “Chen Yixin’s political donation special account for 113-year Legislative Councilor candidate Chen Yixin” (account number: 227001013064). He emphasized that he is the first time He does not run a business in the election, and will raise campaign funds through small-scale fundraising, so as to establish a clean new electoral style for Tainan politics.

Chen Yixin also talked about the origin of individuals and the Political Contribution Law. When the Political Contribution Law was first enacted 20 years ago, Chen Xuesheng was the chairman of the consultation of the Internal Affairs Committee, and Chen Yixin was Chen Xuesheng’s bill assistant at that time, responsible for the legislation of the Political Contribution Law Work, familiar with the negotiation process of the whole set of bills. He recalled that the legislative process back then was not easy. Since the Political Contributions Law had to regulate fundraising for legislators’ elections, it was not easy for legislators to legislate and abolish their martial arts. It was the eve of the presidential election. Taking advantage of the public commitments of the two party presidential candidates Chen Shui-bian and Lien Chan, the Legislative Yuan finally reached a cross-party consensus to complete the amendment.

At that time, Chen Yixin invited cross-party legislators to hold a “happy to see the sun” press conference, which finally ushered in the first political donation law for our country. He said that after 20 years of assisting in the legislation, he finally had the opportunity to apply the law himself, and he was very pleased. He believes that encouraging voters to make small donations through the Political Contribution Law is the key to Taiwan’s sunny and clean election style.

Due to the relatively detailed regulations of the Political Contribution Law, there are different upper limits for individual or corporate donations to legislative candidates. Only political donations of less than NT$10,000 can be donated anonymously. Chen Yixin suggested that voters You can refer to the regulations of the Control Yuan online at sunshine.cy.gov.tw.

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