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Chen Shizhong Lost His Pants! This 100,000 People Online Survey Is Super Shocking But Gets Slapped – Politics – Zhongshi News Network

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Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin announced on the 6th a photo of Chen Shizhong, a DPP mayoral candidate Chen Shizhong, holding hands and hugging the shoulders of Li Yaling, the married vice president of Taipei City Union Medical College Songde Hospital. . Chen said he believed his performance in last Saturday’s debate was so good that the Kuomintang would have been afraid, so he took this “step over”. A recent online poll of over 100,000 people showed that as many as 38.9% of people believe Kuomintang Taipei mayoral candidate Chiang Wan-an scored the best in the debate, and non-party candidate Huang Shanshan came in second with 17. 9%, saying “the performance was too good.” Chen, who has already won, was at the bottom of the list with just 15.1%.

“yahoo! News” conducted an online survey on the progress of the Taipei mayor’s debate from the 5th. As of 8:00 am on the 11th, 106,100 people participated in the vote and the number of people exceeded 100,000, which is quite a lot. enthusiastic. In the question “Which candidate performance are you most satisfied with?”, Jiang Wanan won the championship with 38.9%, Huang Shanshan finished second with 17.9%, 16.9% did not attend the debate and Chen Shizhong only got 15.1%, I don’t know / no opinion. Those who are 11.2%.

In response to “Did your voting intention change after watching the televised debate?” 57.0% of people said they would not change, 15.7% did not attend the debate, 12.1% did not know / have no opinions, and 8.2% said they could change and 7 , 0% for those who have changed.

As for “Who do you think will be elected mayor of Taipei?” 47.8% of the public are optimistic about Jiang Wanan, 18.2% do not know / have no opinions, 16.8% are optimistic about Huang Shanshan, 13.3% are optimistic about Chen Shizhong and 3, 9% are others.

Source of the article:Internet survey “yahoo! News”.

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