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Chen Chaoming Ting Zhong Dongjin Miaoli Blue Split

The election of the Miaoli County mayor was divided and the electoral situation was difficult. After Miaoli County Mayor Xu Yaochang, Kuomintang lawmaker Chen Chaoming was in the same situation with Zhong Dongjin, a non-party county magistrate candidate, and yesterday publicly expressed support for him for the first time. Kuomintang President Zhu Lilun said frankly when he visited Miaoli yesterday, “Getting to know Miaoli is very difficult,” but asked for the support of innocent and genuine candidates. Thank you for joining in the final phase of the Blue Camp.

The presidents of the blue and green parties both went to Miaoli yesterday at the same time. Zhu Lilun and party nominee Xie Fuhong joined the party celebration. DPP Chairman Tsai Ing-wen traveled to Tongxiao to build momentum with candidate county governor Xu Dingzhen, focusing on the green field and warehouse shipping line tickets. Cai said there has been no party rotation in Miaoli for 72 years.

When Chen Chaoming attended the inaugural meeting of candidate county councilor Chen Bihua’s headquarters in Zhunan yesterday, he first shared the same facility with Zhong Dongjin and expressed his support.

Chen Chaoming has been deeply involved in the Miaoli Sea Line for more than 30 years, from member of parliament to legislator. Xie’s headquarters responded that the Kuomintang adhered to the standards of honesty, integrity and justice to appoint Xie, and hoped that a good leader would bring about changes in Miaoli. The Kuomintang suspends power, I believe the villagers will see this clearly, will support Xie Fuhong, and do not let Miaoli be badly labeled.

Zhu Lilun went to Miaoli yesterday to attend the celebration of the party, he said he didn’t want to say much about comrades in the past, but the Kuomintang is not only elected in Miaoli.

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