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Chemical weapons attack on Mariupol. Three Azov fighters injured – Biletsky – Ukrainian news, Politics


Russian invaders attacked Mariupol with chemical weapons, three soldiers of the Azov National Guard regiment were injured. About it reported founder of Azov Andrey Biletsky.

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“A few hours ago, the Russians launched a chemical attack on Mariupol, on the Azovstal plant, on the fortress of Ukrainian fighters, on the fortress of Azov. If we talk about the practical side of the attack, it is small. Three people have clear signs of poisoning with military chemicals, but without catastrophic consequences. Even weapons of mass destruction, these idiots cannot fully use,” Biletsky said.

He stressed that the use of chemical weapons speaks of cowardice.

“And if we talk about the moral side, then it tells us only one thing: about cowardice or sycophancy, call it what you want, Russians,” Biletsky said.

He said that chemical weapons appeared as a response to the positional stalemate that arose during the First World War.

“To get out of this impasse, to start moving forward, they began to use such indiscriminate, such inhuman weapons as chemical weapons,” said the founder of Azov.

He stressed that at that time the use of chemical weapons only spoke of the desperation of the military leadership of all the warring countries.

“What does the use of these weapons by the Russians mean now? They understand that it will spread around the world – the whole world will know that they are terrorists who violate a huge number of conventions. This means that they cannot take Mariupol, that they cannot take the Azov people, that they cannot take the Ukrainian defenders. And because of this they fall into despair and they have no choice but to use indiscriminate banned weapons in the First World War. They think they are showing strength. In fact, they show weakness in this. Whatever it is, Mariupol will win, Azov will win, Ukraine will win. Glory to Ukraine,” Biletsky said.

  • March 24 US President Joe Biden declaredthat if the aggressor country Russia uses chemical weapons against Ukraine, a “response” will follow, the nature of which will depend on the “nature of the use.”
  • April 11 Center for Counteracting Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine reportedthat the Russian invaders want to use chemical weapons against the Ukrainian military holding the defense of the Mariupol Azovstal.

    The center referred to the statement of one of the leaders of the ORDO militants, Eduard Basurin.

    “At the moment, we need to deal with the blocking of this plant, find all the exits and entrances – in principle, this can be done. he said.

  • Later the regiment of the National Guard of Azov reportedthat the occupying troops used a poisonous substance of unknown origin in Mariupol.

Natalia Medvedeva

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