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Chemical Signatures of Protoplanets Discovered Using ALMA Observatory

Scientists using the ALMA observatory have made a groundbreaking discovery in the study of protoplanetary disks. The team, led by Charles Law from the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, has found strong chemical evidence of a protoplanet in the disk surrounding the young star HD 169142. This discovery offers a new method for detecting and studying protoplanets, providing astronomers with an alternate approach when direct observations or imaging are not possible.

HD 169142 is a young star located in the constellation Sagittarius, known for its large, dust- and gas-rich circumstellar disk. Over the past decade, several protoplanet candidates have been identified in this system. Earlier this year, scientists from the University of Liège and Monash University confirmed that one of these candidates, HD 169142 b, is a giant Jupiter-like protoplanet.

Using archival data from ALMA, the team analyzed the submillimeter wavelengths of HD 169142 and its disk. They identified several chemical signatures that confirmed the presence of the gas giant protoplanet. Carbon monoxide (12CO and 13CO) and sulfur monoxide (SO) were detected, which had previously been associated with protoplanets in other disks.

However, the team also made a surprising discovery. They detected silicon monosulfide (SiS), a molecule that had never been seen before in a protoplanetary disk, let alone in the vicinity of a giant protoplanet. The detection of SiS emission indicates that the protoplanet is producing powerful shock waves in the surrounding gas, causing silicates to be released from nearby dust grains.

This new chemical approach for detecting protoplanets opens up a new window for scientists to study the Universe and deepen their understanding of exoplanets. Protoplanets, especially those still embedded in their parental circumstellar disks like HD 169142, provide a direct connection to the known exoplanet population.

By using chemical signatures observed with ALMA, scientists can now explore how different protoplanets develop over time and connect their properties to exoplanetary systems. This discovery not only provides a new tool for planet-hunting but also uncovers exciting chemistry that has never been seen before. As more disks around young stars are surveyed, scientists expect to find other interesting and unexpected molecules, revealing the true chemical diversity associated with protoplanetary settings.

The results of this study will be published in an upcoming edition of The Astrophysical Journal Letters. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), a major facility of the National Science Foundation (NSF), played a significant role in this research.
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What insights into the formation and evolution of protoplanets can be gained from the strong chemical evidence found by the team led by Charles Law

D 169142, does indeed have a protoplanet. Now, the team at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian has discovered strong chemical evidence supporting this finding.

Protoplanetary disks are the birthplaces of planets and consist of gas, dust, and debris surrounding young stars. Directly observing or imaging protoplanets can be challenging, but scientists have found an alternative method using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observatory.

Led by Charles Law, the team used ALMA to study the disk surrounding HD 169142. Located in the constellation Sagittarius, this young star is known for its vast circumstellar disk filled with gas and dust. Over the years, several protoplanet candidates have been identified in this system.

In a groundbreaking discovery, the scientists have now found strong chemical evidence supporting the existence of a protoplanet in the disk. This finding not only confirms the presence of a protoplanet but also offers a new way to detect and study these celestial bodies.

This new approach provides valuable insights into the formation and evolution of protoplanets, which are crucial in understanding how planets like our own Earth come to be. It also opens up opportunities for further research in other systems where direct observations or imaging are not possible.

The discovery made by Law and his team adds to our understanding of the complex processes involved in planet formation. With further advancements in technology and techniques, scientists hope to unravel more mysteries surrounding protoplanets and gain deeper insights into the origins of our own solar system.

2 thoughts on “Chemical Signatures of Protoplanets Discovered Using ALMA Observatory”

  1. This groundbreaking study using ALMA Observatory unveils the chemical signatures of protoplanets, shedding light on the early stages of planet formation. A remarkable leap forward in understanding our cosmic origins.

  2. This groundbreaking study using the ALMA Observatory provides fascinating insights into the chemical signatures of protoplanets. A significant step towards unraveling the mysteries of planet formation in our universe!


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