The Hemotherapy and Haemodonation Center of Castilla y León (Chemcyl) keeps the reserves of type A blood at a red level for another day, a situation already reported last Monday 7, which means that donors must come and donate “as soon as possible”.
“Group A- is not improving”, warns the Castilla y León Hemotherapy and Hemotherapy Center on its social networks, recalling that today is a “perfect day” to go and donate.
According to the information provided on Chemcyl’s website this Monday, November 14, reserves of group A- are still in the red level, while those of group A+ have a day of yellow level, which is why it is called to donate “in the following days” .
The rest of the blood groups (B+, B-, 0+, 0-, AB- and AB+) have a green level, so it is recommended to donate “usually”.