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Chelsea-Super League: President pushed to exit

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Chelsea president Bruce Buck could be a collateral victim of the London club’s involvement in the attempt to create a dissentient European Super League.

Confident of Roman Abramovich the owner of Chelsea, Bruce Buck has an important place in the organization chart of the London club. It is this business lawyer who would have convinced the Russian businessman to allow his club to join the late Super League. But in front of the way in which the scandal has ended in recent days, it is said that the Russian businessman is furious with his man of confidence who would have hidden from him the possibility of seeing his supporters turn against their favorite club.

Supporters expect strong action

Moreover, it would be the supporters who would now put the pressure for Bruce Buck to leave his post as president of Chelsea. In comments reported by The Athletic, the Chelsea Supporters Trust calls for the resignation of the president of the Blues: “Buck alongside (GM Guy) Laurence seems to have given no consideration to loyal supporters, so their positions would appear untenable in the future. Our relationship with the club will remain frayed until we have a better understanding of the reasons for this decision and we are confident that the change and safeguards are in place ” indicates the press release.

Bruce shouted at next game

If for the moment the Chelsea club and its owner do not envisage any resignation or dismissal of their main manager, the future could be a game-changer. Especially when next May, supporters will be allowed in the stands. Even in small numbers, their presence and that of Bruce Buck in the stands could generate mistrust of the presidential platform if the latter appears there….

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