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Checks on the current account: look at the figures and the ISEE

The economic support that the Draghi government is providing to families in difficulty due to the pandemic must be controlled and certified by certain requirements: this is why theRevenue Agency began to check bill current and ISEE of the recipients of this benefit to verify that there are no irregularities or false declarations.

When and where the investigations are triggered

The checks that are carried out above all on the current account of the hypothetical beneficiary of the bonuses and economic aid concern the balance and average stock of the person sending the application for grants and non-repayable contributions: before completing each application, the taxpayer must request a updating of their income status to prove the true economic reality in which they find themselves And here comes theISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator), in particular the part relating to the data that the person self-declares that will be subject to possible verifications tax. Be careful, however, because in addition to current accounts, postal books and deposits come into play: this is why we must pay the utmost attention and not make mistakes so as not to arouse any suspicion or additional verification. With the beginning of the new year, in fact, the prying eye of the Tax Authority has more powers than in 2020 and the controls are more precise and detailed, including the overall balance and the average stock: whoever runs into these controls, will have to answer any contradictions between what is indicated on the model and the actual sums of money that are deposited in the bank or at the post office. Let’s not forget that even those who receive the INPS check as a form of income support must present the ISEE.

How the checks take place

If initially the tax registry and INPS only carried out checks to verify the existence of current accounts and postal deposits, the checks also extended to the account balance: it is also necessary to declare the value of an account jointly held with the declarant and the value of a non-joint account. “In the event that they are present in the movable assets of the component, for which the matching element is provided, an account jointly held with the declarant and an account not jointly registered must necessarily be indicated the value of the non-joint account. In the case of several non-joint accounts, one of those with a positive value must be indicated, if available“, it reads. It is a very meticulous work put in place by Inps and Revenue Agency: the social security institution will send to the tax authorities all the data relating to the income, assets and tax codes of taxpayers who require the ISEE model to be completed to compare this information with those found in the Tax Registry and the Registry of current accounts to bring out any discrepancies, omissions or false declarations of all those who are about to ask for economic help from the State.

Two important differences

But you can also make a mistake, involuntarily obviously: this is why the law distinguishes between false declarations and incorrect information: in the first case, articles 75 and 76 of Consolidated Act on Administrative Documentation, Presidential Decree 445/2000, provide sanctions criminal and monetary. It will be the cross-checks that will bring out when it comes to the first or second case. These omissions are reported automatically and can be corrected in two ways: either the incorrect declaration of information is corrected by submitting a new ISEE or by filling in a new DSU (Single Substitute Declaration), rectifying the omitted or missing data. In addition to the convictions provided for in articles 75 and 76, the false declaration will obviously result in the loss of the benefit which becomes illegitimate: in this case, the benefit will be revoked and the amount must be returned. L’art. 495 of the Criminal Code provides, among other things, a sentence of between one and six years of imprisonment. On the other hand, anyone who falsely declares their marital status or makes a false statement about their identity, status or personal qualities is subject to a minimum of one year imprisonment and penalties of up to 516.27 euros.

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