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Checked: what Rodríguez Larreta said about educational quality in 2020

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta Source: LA NACION

“Last year, the number of boys who did not reach the minimum contents was double than in previous years”

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires

The official referred to the effects that the pandemic and quarantine had on the educational system and, specifically, on the City level.


In the city of Buenos Aires, in 2019 there were almost 3,000 boys at the primary level in “accompanied promotion”, a situation that defines those who did not complete the learning expected for that year and / or lost the link with the school. In 2020, the number of students in this condition doubled: there were 6,000, according to official data. Before Chequeado’s query, the communication area of ​​the Buenos Aires Ministry of Education sent a report prepared by the same portfolio that, among other data, indicates that as of December 2020 the students who spent the year in “accompanied promotion” represented the 5 , 3% of the uploaded reports, while in 2019 this percentage had been 2%. According to specialists, this is due to the difficulties of distance learning, which in Argentina is carried out mainly through cell phones (via WhatsApp or Messenger, according to a survey by the National Ministry of Education and Unicef). At the same time, they highlighted that there was a reduction in the workload devoted to education and that the general well-being of boys and girls had an influence, which was worsened by isolation. That, in turn, has an impact on learning.

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