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“Check Your Homeowners Insurance: Heat Pumps May Not Be Automatically Covered, Warns Consumer Center”

Is a new heat pump included in homeowners insurance? Not necessarily, says the consumer center. Because the pump is not in the house.

A heat pump is outside the house – which has consequences for the insurance companyImago / Rupert Oberhäuser

Property owners should check the scope of their homeowners insurance when purchasing a heat pump. Because heat pumps are not usually installed in the house but outside, they are not automatically included in the insurance, according to the Schleswig-Holstein Consumer Center (VZSH). She advised consumers to ask the insurance company at an early stage whether a heat pump is included in the insurance cover. If necessary, you should have the protection of the system included in the insurance contract.

In addition, the VZSH recommended asking about so-called obligations to cooperate. With a heat pump, possible obligations could be a fence around the property or the heat pump, or installation on the wall of the house at a height that is difficult to reach. If the duty to cooperate is violated, the insurance company can refuse benefits.

2023-05-15 19:46:07
#Consumer #Advice #Center #Insure #heat #pump #evangelical #newspaper

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