1.8 million Finns will have a happy surprise in their accounts on tax refund day. If the refund does not appear in the account in the morning, there is no need to panic yet.
Tiina Somerpuro
On Monday, August 5, tax refunds for a total of 900 million euros will be paid to the bank accounts of 1.8 million Finns.
The Tax Administration pays tax refunds to customers every month from July to December. The payment date depends on when the customers’ taxation is completed. August’s tax refund day is the biggest of the year.
The Tax Administration reminds that tax refunds do not necessarily appear in the bank account in the morning.
– If the tax refund does not appear in the account in the morning, you should check the account balance again later in the day. If the money still doesn’t appear in the account, the tax refund payment date may have been moved. You can check your own situation at Omavero, the chief inspector Juha Villman Information about the tax administration is provided in the press release.
The payment date may have been moved, for example, if the customer or his spouse completed a pre-filled tax return.
Beware of scammers
The Tax Administration reminds us that during the tax refund period, there are a lot of fraudsters who try to fish for people’s bank credentials.
The Tax Administration never informs customers about tax refunds via text messages or e-mails. Therefore, the links of “tax refund messages” received in the name of the Tax Administration should not be clicked.
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