Adults over 65 years of age can access payments from the Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU), the benefit that replaced the Basic Solidarity Pension for the Elderly (PBSV) and the Solidarity Pension Contribution for the Elderly (Solidarity Pillar).
The PGU is available to those who are not entitled to a pension under any pension scheme, as well as for those who continue working or are beneficiaries of an AFP pension or from the former social security funds, provided they meet the established requirements.
However, they are not entitled to receive PGU payments. Senior citizens who are members or pensioners of the National Defense Pension Fund (Capredena) and the Carabineros Forecast Directorate (Dipreca).
When the amount of the PGU is readjusted
The Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU), administered by the Social Security Institute (IPS), currently grants an amount of up to $214,296 per month to its beneficiaries.
The amount of the Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU) It is automatically adjusted on February 1 of each year, based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
Accordingly, from February 2025, The Universal Guaranteed Pension will have a new adjusted amount.
How to apply for the PGU
To apply for the PGU, the following requirements must be met:
- Be 64 years and 9 months or older at the time of application.
- Being in a family group that does not include the richest 10% of the population, which is accredited by the Pension Targeting Score, which considers some data from the Social Household Registry (RSH), in addition to information related to the family’s income and needs.
- Having a base pension of less than $1,158,355, made up of the sum of the Self-Financed Pension (PAFE), calculated by the AFP, together with the other pensions you receive.
- Prove residence in the territory of the Republic of Chile in these two cases:
- A period of no less than 20 continuous or discontinuous years, since the applicant has reached 20 years of age.
- A period of no less than four years of residence in the last five years immediately preceding the date of application for the PGU.
Those who meet the conditions must enter the Integrated System of Solidarity Benefits of ChileAtiende (click here), where they must enter their RUT and date of birth to verify if they qualify for the contribution.
If you meet the requirements, the site will provide the steps to follow to apply for the PGU. It is also possible to make the request in person at a ChileAtiende branch. (find locations here).